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the Meters

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phurst... iffen ya treats yer tallywacker nice, it'll last ferever! ;)  iffen ya jest run it in 'n out fast, 'n twist it hard it'll wear out much quicker.

from anudder thread... tallywacker = teletector

I surely remember some or most of those old instruments that we used when we started up and operated Big Rock.


--- Quote from: SloGlo on Nov 08, 2003, 09:54 ---phurst... iffen ya treats yer tallywacker nice, it'll last ferever! ;)  iffen ya jest run it in 'n out fast, 'n twist it hard it'll wear out much quicker.

from anudder thread... tallywacker = teletector

--- End quote ---

And remember a little lube goes a long way too. ;)


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