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the Meters
jimbomaff.... i take it your POS is not the opposite of NEG?
Rain Man:
rdtroja...that is Mr. Old Fart. How about a Juno meter? Didn't Rod Christenot (SP-5) drag one of those around the test site back before the 1963 NTBT??
best thing about a juno was that the mass made it very stable when using it as a mirror ;D
Rain Man;
The last Juno I saw was in a museum, right next to Rod. And you can have your 5 points back - I think you spelled his name right.
Sorry you didn't like the HandECount. Ours worked great. Had one eat a smear once, but it gave it back with minimal argument. The only thing I didn't like was a little cross-talk when trying to count alpha, but I used a SAC-4 if there was any doubt. And no, I am not a salesman. Just had good experience with the machine.
Meters? You use meters? I thought you just asked the worker where he was and how long he was there when you read his PIC. You then divide dose by time to give you dose rate. Why the hell do they even teach that stuff anymore if every spoiled tech out there uses a meter? Pansies! Didn't Cabin Boy teach you guys anything?
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