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Offline unimportant

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Unescorted access at another company
« on: Nov 11, 2013, 01:27 »
I am currently working at a nuclear plant where I have unescorted access.  I have a job offer at another plant owned by a different company, and my start date will depend on when my background check is complete.  The HR rep said it normally takes 4-6 weeks, but I am hoping it might be faster since I already have UA at another site.  Do they still go through the whole background check process even for people with UA at another site?  Does it vary by company?  (I asked the HR rep and she said she didn't know because that is handled by a different department.)

Offline Nukette

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Re: Unescorted access at another company
« Reply #1 on: Nov 11, 2013, 01:42 »
I read somewhere that it does help, and should definitely speed up the process.  I have about a year gap from the last time I had UA, to the time I will be starting my new job.  I read that since I already did my background checks, they will only really look at the past year without UA and it should only take a couple days to finish the new background check.  I am not 100% sure where I found that information, but UA is UA no matter what plant or company it is.  I will continue to look for where I found it, but I think your background check wouldn't take too long considering your UA is still current and active.

Offline Ksheed

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Re: Unescorted access at another company
« Reply #2 on: Nov 11, 2013, 01:50 »
If you currently have UA and are changing jobs/sites, typically the new site will use your last background for your access. You would have a badge in approximately 2-3 days. An HR background check for a full time position may be different than or in addition to a UA background check for access. It depends on which background check you are waiting on.

Furthermore, it is a requirement to be re-investigated every 5 years even if you maintained your UA the entire time.


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Re: Unescorted access at another company
« Reply #3 on: Nov 14, 2013, 03:56 »
If you have access at one site it shouldn't take long for you to get it at another site, there isn't much to do for someone who left another site <30 days ago. Ideally, you should have your badge within hours as long as your training is up to date. As ksheed stated you could be waiting on the company itself to do their own background check (which many do) and this has nothing to do with getting badged by the utility.

Good luck

Offline unimportant

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Re: Unescorted access at another company
« Reply #4 on: Nov 15, 2013, 08:02 »
Thanks for the responses!  It didn't occur to me that the company might do a separate background check, since the background check for UA is so thorough, but that could explain why it would take so long.


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