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Obstacle Course for Robots
« on: Dec 20, 2013, 09:05 »
This is from a defense news site but has a number of references to nuclear disaster in particular Fukishima. This competition happened today I hope to find a followup article.

On Dec. 20, a bunch of Terminator-like humanoid robots, built by 17 teams from around the world, will descend on the Homestead-Miami Speedway in Florida for the Robotics Challenge trials.

Sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Pentagon’s futuristic tech brain trust, the Robotics Challenge aims to test how well smart machines can deal with natural and man-made disasters.

DARPA’s test case is the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster in 2011, in which radiation prevented workers from turning a valve that would have vented hydrogen that eventually exploded and wrecked the facility.


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