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Author Topic: DUI during employment  (Read 9114 times)

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DUI during employment
« on: Jan 09, 2014, 12:29 »
I was arrested for a DUI while employed for a utility. I did not report the incident to management. I no longer work at the plant for other reasons, meaning the DUI was not discovered while I was an employee.

I know I made a huge mistake and that I should have disclosed the information immediately. However people make stupid mistakes and I had to make the difficult decision of waiting it out and eventually I left without anyone finding out.

I'm wondering if this could ever come back to me in the future? I will not attempt to gain clearance again for at least 5 years I am aware of that.

Thank you for listening. And I know I made a mistake.


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Re: DUI during employment
« Reply #1 on: Jan 09, 2014, 02:22 »
When you apply somewhere again, hopefully not the same place, you tell about the DUI.  If the action has been through the courts it becomes part of your past, many overcome a single event if they learn from it.   The bigger question is do you have a drinking problem?  Nowadays with even phone aps available to know you blood alcohol, why were you driving under the influence?
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, as the song goes.


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Re: DUI during employment
« Reply #2 on: Jan 09, 2014, 11:55 »
Well failure to notify or list is something that can deny you access... typically for a year. Since you didn't report it, it could hinder you in the future even if you were to wait the 5 years. Basically it's deemed being untrustworthy/unreliable. It isn't something that you will get permanently banned for but you will definitely have some hurdles to clear when you return.

Good luck

Offline mars88

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Re: DUI during employment
« Reply #3 on: Jan 10, 2014, 03:13 »
It might also make a difference if you got the DUI in say August and already knew you were leaving in October.

But certainly be upfront if you get another security job.


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Re: DUI during employment
« Reply #4 on: Jan 11, 2014, 12:13 »
Listen to Graphic, keep your nose clean, PM him and Im sure he will in detail tell you what you are up against, don't hide it cause they will find it, you may be put on a special FFD program plant to plant by their procedures, you may be taking a FFD test once a week or more..


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Re: DUI during employment
« Reply #5 on: Jan 14, 2014, 01:29 »
@mars88, what did you mean by what you said about it potentially making a difference if I got the DUI at a time when I already knew I was leaving in a few months?


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