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Author Topic: Power Plant Associate Degree Worthless??  (Read 59672 times)

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Re: Power Plant Associate Degree Worthless??
« Reply #50 on: Jan 08, 2014, 09:39 »
Really? This normally would warrant a good ol' "let it slide," but what with the regular crowing about all your years of college and your Glorious Experience as Educator...  ;)

On topic, I can't imagine a scenario where a power plant degree is more worthless than no degree.

While this thread will likely be of assistance to others, the original poster hasn't made a registered appearance since May of last year.

Really?  And navy ELT does not have a degree yet can get a job a whole lot easier the a two year graduate.  I have seen advertisements asking for ex ELT's for jobs, never seen same for 2 year degrees.  Experience and training relevant to field still beats out a degree, especially when they are churning degrees at a dime a dozen.


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