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Operator qualifying to take the PE Exam
« on: Feb 03, 2014, 07:54 »
I have a BS in engineering. I already have my EIT and am looking to try and take the Nuclear PE exam later this year. I will have the time experience but I am not sure if NLO (Aux Operator) work experience qualifies as the experience I have to put down on the application to take the exam.
Does anyone one have any experience with this or has any other NLO attempted to get approval to take the PE with their state? Any information regarding operations experience and taking the PE is appreciated.

Offline SmallTownNuke

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Re: Operator qualifying to take the PE Exam
« Reply #1 on: Feb 03, 2014, 10:32 »
This may not be true for all states, but for mine there is a requirement to essentially work for/with multiple PE's who will then sign off on your experience.  As an NLO that may be challenging to get.  At least a couple of the Shift Managers at my plant have PE licenses, so you may have been on a crew with a PE and not even known it.  I recommend calling your state's technical profession board to get the most accurate answer.

Disclaimer:  I don't have my PE yet so I'm going off of info we were given in school prior to taking the FE exam a couple of years ago.


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Re: Operator qualifying to take the PE Exam
« Reply #2 on: Feb 04, 2014, 10:37 »
This state requires working under a PE, which I know of atleast one in the department. Other than that the state board will give exemptions if there are no PEs ton work under.


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Re: Operator qualifying to take the PE Exam
« Reply #3 on: Feb 05, 2014, 10:53 »
No direct experience with this, but I am a PE and worked at a Nuclear Power plant previously.

I recommend searching your state board's website and see if you can find out what they consider "qualifying experience".  Ususally it is worded fairly vaguely.  You will need to write up your Operations experience to fit these requirements.  Are there any calculations that you perform as part of your duties?.  I think you could use testing of equipment and systems (i.e. Pump Inservice Testing).  Consider bouncing your finished product off an existing PE or two in the Engineering ranks to get their opinion.  You may also want to hit up some of the freshly minted PEs in Engineering and ask them about how they documented their experience.


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