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Declined an interview. What should I do next?
« on: Feb 11, 2014, 04:47 »
I am a third year mechanical engineer, and recently requested a NUPOC interview.  I was declined the opportunity because my GPA waiver did not get accepted.  I currently have a 2.9.  This is something I really want and I would like to know if there are any ways I can try to resubmit my package.  I am afraid I did not have had a very competitive package because I was never asked to submit a brag sheet or do a telephone interview, and from people I have talked to that seems like standard practice.  Also I know that my GPA is on the low end but I have only taken 2 non technical classes in my 5 semesters, and the lieutenant that i have done interview practice with says that I know my stuff and should do well if I actually get an interview. If anyone is able to give me any advice I would be forever thankful.

Offline spekkio

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Re: Declined an interview. What should I do next?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 11, 2014, 10:45 »
Are you a midshipman or not? Because if so, your NROTC/USNA CoC should be advising you how to proceed.

If not, I don't have any insider information as to how NR screens applicants, but if you were denied a GPA waiver then I would start pursuing other career options. Try to raise your GPA next year and reapply (if you're allowed to). Other Naval communities care more about the 'whole person concept' than nuke, which is why you never did interviews or submitted statements. Also, other designators care about your ASTB score a lot more, which can help offset a low GPA. But these days business is good for officer applicants so cross your fingers but don't hold your breath.

Also, it's good that you decided to be a hard-charger and load up on tough coursework, but didn't any school advisor ever tell you that no one gives a crap about excuses for sub-par performance? With HR processes becoming more automated, it becomes a numbers game and if the GPA doesn't pass the filter, no one's going to scrutinize your credentials any further. Not every company is like that of course (such as other Navy officer communities), but you didn't do yourself any favors by taking coursework that you couldn't handle.
« Last Edit: Feb 11, 2014, 10:46 by spekkio »


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Re: Declined an interview. What should I do next?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 12, 2014, 09:37 »
Supply Corps.

Everyone I know with "logistics" on their resume post-Navy have always found good paying management jobs wherever/whenever they wanted them. YMMV.

Offline spekkio

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Re: Declined an interview. What should I do next?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 12, 2014, 10:09 »
Supply Corps.

Everyone I know with "logistics" on their resume post-Navy have always found good paying management jobs wherever/whenever they wanted them. YMMV.
Not typically an option for midshipmen unless they are NPQ for URL.


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Re: Declined an interview. What should I do next?
« Reply #4 on: Feb 13, 2014, 10:53 »
I can't say you'll definitely get an interview.  I will say this: the net of Midshipmen asked to apply for an interview gets wider if it looks like NROTC isn't producing the numbers for the upcoming FY.  I sent two kids, one of which I absolutely did not want to send who ended up being a complete waste of a plane ticket and hotel in D.C.  This kid even called me when he got to D.C. and asked what he was supposed to do for meals because he didn't take a credit card.

Don't give up and things may work out the way you want.  Be ready for that interview if it comes.  And if not, remember that you're serving as an officer in the greatest Navy; that in and of itself is pretty awesome.


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