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Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« on: Jan 28, 2014, 11:58 »
I failed a breathalyser test with .02, .019 result on orientation day at a power plant. 1st offense, no other Alcohol/Drug, traffic, bankruptcy, etc derogatory remarks on my record.
I have gone through rehab and the SAE/MRO is satisfied with my rehab. Nevertheless it is in on PADS.
My questions: What should i do now to get back to work as a supplement RP tech at another plant? Anyone in same situation? any experience? How long before you could gain unescorted access? did the other plant made you go through more rehab activity? I know that if I would be given access at a new plant I would be on accelerated Substance abuse surveillance and testing, up to 15 times in a 3 years period.  Should I kiss Nuke industry Goodbye? Thanks all.
« Last Edit: Jan 28, 2014, 12:48 by Ed »


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 28, 2014, 01:49 »
When you were denied you should have been told by the access supervisor or gotten a letter in the mail stating how long your denial was for. Were you referred to a SAE by the utility? You do know a substance abuse counselor/evaluator is different from the sites MRO(Medical review officer) right? Just because the SAE says you have no issues doesn't necessarily mean the MRO/Psych on site will agree. The MRO would only deal with you when you are trying to regain access so I don't see how he or she could be satisfied with your rehab unless you are already in the process of regaining access.

Typically in your case most utilities will give a 1-3 year denial according to the circumstances. The minimum is 14 days but good luck getting that. If you had any other type of drug/alcohol related arrest or failure it would result in an automatic 5 year denial.

(e) Lacking any other evidence to indicate the use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs or consumption of alcohol on site, a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result must be presumed to be an indication of offsite drug or alcohol use in violation of the FFD policy.

(1) The first violation of the FFD policy involving a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result must, at a minimum, result in the immediate unfavorable termination of the individual's authorization for at least 14 days from the date of the unfavorable termination.

(2) Any subsequent confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result, including during an assessment or treatment period, must result in the denial of authorization for a minimum of 5 years from the date of denial.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 28, 2014, 02:22 »
Thanks Graphic:

No, I am not sure of the distinction between SAE and MRO! They told me to seek professional help regarding alcohol abuse, They gave me the name and phone number of a local therapist (a MD?) poutsdie the plant whom they trusted and regulary dealth with. They said he would contact them after my rehab and give them his assement and If I could be given UA, no talk of time restriction or how long before I could gain UA.

This was a local MD in a town near the plant which was about 1,000 miles away from my house. I could not stay at a hotel room away from home to attend 6 weeks, six sessions of therapy there. So I returned home and found a Therapist and I had six sessions of therapy with her and atttended many AA meetings. Then, The SAE/MRO at the plant talked to my therapist extensively and then he called me and he said that he was satisfied with my rehab and my progress; and he would recommend me for UA. This all has been ast few months. Less than 6.

My Recuiter told me to talk their security. The security tells me they dont need me to do anything,  do unless they find me an assignment and then probably regular PHQ or I am not sure. So How should i convince recruiters to send my resume to Power plants for outages or toher work? Is the Recuriter the key to gain UA and work? is the recutiter the key for puting the wheels in motion? or bartlett, DZ or other recuiters would not send my resume up for a year or so?

Thank You or any and all replies.



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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 28, 2014, 03:52 »
Well the MRO is an actual doctor and he or she works for the utility itself.. whereas the SAE is typically going to have their own private company outside of the plant. Of course as I'm sure you found out it is out of pocket the plant doesn't pay for those evaluations. Most plants already have a few certified counselors in the area that they will refer people to with these type issues, such as your case. A substance abuse evaluation is required for anyone who has had any drug/alcohol related arrests or incidents in the past 5 years to gain access so that's probably why they told you to go ahead and get it done. The SAE would give their determination to the utilities MRO/Psych (2 different people) who would in turn make their own determination.

Most recruiters will have no idea whether or not you have any type of criminal background or have ever been denied at a nuclear plant. Recruiters surely don't have any part in you gaining UA.. except possibly sending you a PHQ to fill out.

I would try to contact the access department at the site you failed at and ask if you are eligible for rehire now or if you are still under a temporary ban. In this instance it really isn't going to hurt you to try to gain access anywhere else because they won't deny you again (assuming they do their job right) if they saw you were still under a ban they simply wouldn't start your background as it costs a lot of money to have people go through that process. Everyone is looked up in PADS before their background is started.

Do you have a contact at the plant you could get in touch with to find those things out? If not let me know which plant you failed at, you can private message me if you don't want that info public, and I can try to get you the number to their access dept.

Whatever you do make sure you keep any certificates of completion you may have received from the SAE.

Wish I could give you more of an exact answer but obviously the procedure is worded to where I can't.
« Last Edit: Jan 28, 2014, 03:53 by Graphic »


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 28, 2014, 04:21 »
Thanks again Graphic:

This is helping a lot, Thanks, The access manager at the plant was very nice and gave me his business card with his contact info, reaching him though is another story, but at least i can send him emails and leave him messages. I would send him another email and ask him about my status. The MRO should have talked to him and given him his satisfaction with my Substance Abuse Evaluation. So I am tended to believe that I would be under no time restriction. Attempt to gain UA and failure was early Oct last year. This seem to get clearer and clearer. and I just talked to Security dept at my recruiters office. She sounded like I would be cleared whenever the plant has cleared me.

I still welcome and appreciate other people's input, guidance and experiences.

Thank You.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 28, 2014, 05:01 »
Unless I missed it in the post, knowing there would be a test, why did you even take the test? 


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 28, 2014, 05:12 »
Good question:

I did not know. I did not know there would be a test. I have had FFD training a year or so before. I still can not remember giving a breathalyser test before this time. Do all plants give this test on first day of outage worker report date? All I knew was that I would be OK if 8 hours has passed since my last alcohol intake and I just had .019 which maybe could attributed to mouthwash intake immediately before taking the test.




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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 28, 2014, 07:24 »
Everywhere I go on the first outage and often within 4 hours of arrival I know to not go to the bathroom until the test.  After the first outage the < 30 days rules apply and there are no other tests until the next outage season, except randomly or for cause.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 28, 2014, 10:08 »
Every nuclear plant does drug and alcohol testing. The alcohol test is always first. I highly doubt mouthwash made you blow a .019 but I'm no expert. Even if you did they are required to ask you if you have chewed gum, taken breath mints, smoked cigarettes or ingested anything else in the past 15 minutes. If you say yes then they have to wait at least 15 more minutes before testing you.

As content stated if you gain access and switch from one plant to another and there is less than a 30 day gap in between those jobs, you aren't required to be tested. There is the 5% rule, which means 5% of people who are <30 are randomly chosen to be tested anyways. Anyone who has gone more than 30 days will be tested automatically.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #9 on: Feb 06, 2014, 10:01 »
Should I inform some other Recruiter about my access denial at another plant. I would think that honesty is the best policy and You would not want to piss off the fellow who finds you work. You have to be honest to the guy who finds you work. But if i tell them about no so very clean record he would rather send somebody else with clean record and less problems for gaining UA. If I don't tell my recruiter he would send my resume and maybe the new plant would give me a shot. Otherwise i would be stuck;  unless i could go to the same plant that denied my UA originally but now do not have problem letting me in after my rehabilitation. but that would be a year form now, I am screwed,

What are your thoughts, Thanks.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #10 on: Feb 06, 2014, 10:36 »

and it is obvious to me that my current recruiter is hesitant to send my resume to another plant unless I have had UA somewhere else somehow, The plant who denied my UA seem to be ok now letting me in, The plant seem to be satisfied with my treatment and after having lengthy conversation with my therapist,  my SAE.


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Re: Failed FFD! how to get back in?
« Reply #11 on: Feb 07, 2014, 05:49 »
Should I inform some other Recruiter about my access denial at another plant. I would think that honesty is the best policy and You would not want to piss off the fellow who finds you work. You have to be honest to the guy who finds you work. But if i tell them about no so very clean record he would rather send somebody else with clean record and less problems for gaining UA. If I don't tell my recruiter he would send my resume and maybe the new plant would give me a shot. Otherwise i would be stuck;  unless i could go to the same plant that denied my UA originally but now do not have problem letting me in after my rehabilitation. but that would be a year form now, I am screwed,

What are your thoughts, Thanks.

That's up to you. Most recruiters don't even work on site and have little idea of how the UA process really works. Some are more experienced and know how to screen potential candidates better. The better recruiters/hiring managers are going to be looking for people who have held clearance before. It costs less time and money to bring you in. Of course your contract would be contingent upon you gaining clearance anyways.

I personally would probably tell them. Some sites, not all of them, will pre-review phq's if they are sent in ahead of time and will let your company/recruiter know whether or not you would be eligible for hire. Just cause you were denied at one plant doesn't mean you can't try at another, but PADS is a nationwide system and your denial at the first plant would be listed.


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