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Offline rookie25

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Medical Conditions, FFD
« on: Feb 12, 2014, 09:42 »
What medical conditions could get someone denied a Badge because of FFD guidelines? Could things like HBP, Cholesterol, or Sleep Apnea get someone denied trying to work in Security? Or am I a fool to think there are NO security officers working at Nuke Plants without these conditions?


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #1 on: Feb 13, 2014, 11:56 »
There are no restrictions related to Medical conditions as long as the medication being taken are yours, issued in a prescription in your name, taken as prescribed on the bottle, do not cause conditions which could be defined as unfit for duty (i.e., sleep inducing, memory loss, loss of physical capacities, and etc.), been reported on medical forms provided by the employer at time of hire, no criminal history for prescription or non-prescription drug abuse within the last 5 years (proor of rehilitation), or prescription gotten from a non-approved pharmacy (i.e., Mexico and Canada bus trips and etc.).  One thing to know is that even though there are states out there currently who allow the use of marijuana for personal or medical use, it does not apply to people working in or wishing to work in the nuclear industry, its still a no no. This may or may not answer your question entirely but on this web there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this subject.

Offline rookie25

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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #2 on: Feb 13, 2014, 01:30 »
Thank you for your response and yes you answered my question perfectly.


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #3 on: Feb 13, 2014, 03:39 »
It isn't something that will get you denied access. However, even if you are legitimately prescribed certain medications that doesn't mean you can just go do anything at the plant. As masterchef basically stated if it is something that could prohibit you from fulfilling your job duties in a safe manner then you better let your supervisor know. For instance, if you are a crane operator and you were recently prescribed pain medicine well that could hinder your ability to operate the crane in a safe manner. Not everyone can pass a physical and get fit for a respirator but that doesn't mean they get fired.

You don't list medications any longer for FFD purposes. If they find something in your system the MRO will call and find out if you have a prescription -- Of course if you don't well then you failed FFD.

On the medical marijuana subject, it is still illegal on the federal level. The NRC regulates the FFD program and follow DOT guidelines for drug/alcohol testing.... I personally don't see it ever being something that is accepted in the nuclear world. If you smoke marijuana it could stay in your system, drug testing wise, for 30-90 days just according to how much you smoke, metabolism etc... So unless they can come up with a test which can show whether or not you are currently "high" such as an alcohol test would show your current blood alcohol content, then I just don't see it becoming an accepted practice in this field. Something like 80% of FFD failures are marijuana related. Most other drugs will be out of your system in 3-5 days.

Probably more info than you need to know but figured I would go a little more in depth.

Offline rookie25

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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #4 on: Feb 13, 2014, 06:40 »
Thanks for the input Graphic! I do have prescriptions for my medical conditions, neither of which I feel would impair my ability to be an NSO. I'm really looking forward to getting this job. I turned in my paperwork for my background investigation and now im playing the waiting game which absolutely sucks but being on this site, asking questions, and getting feedback form people in the Industry like yourself really makes things easier.


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #5 on: Feb 13, 2014, 08:03 »
No problem. There are plenty of people on here more knowledgeable than myself! It is a great resource.

The wait does suck but it could be worse.


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #6 on: Feb 14, 2014, 12:46 »
Those medications could be for conditions
that would cause you to fail your entrance physical which is a totally different program

Offline rookie25

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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #7 on: Feb 14, 2014, 02:19 »
BP and Cholesterol meds? Even if I told them which meds I take and the dosage?


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #8 on: Feb 14, 2014, 05:26 »
BP and Cholesterol meds? Even if I told them which meds I take and the dosage?

What I believe he is saying is that there are physical requirements for some jobs. If you are a security officer you would have to meet whatever their requirements are to maintain your job as a security officer. I do not know all of their requirements. Some of those requirements may be things such as doing so many pushups in a minute, running a mile in a certain amount of time, etc.. You would also have to pass a physical given by the site to do certain jobs. I would imagine that security officers fall under that category. High Blood Pressure/Cholesterol could cause you to fail that physical. Not every job is going to require someone to pass a physical. Whether or not you would pass I don't know.

Regardless of ALL that, it has no effect on your unescorted access to a nuclear plant. That is a totally different thing as Broadzilla stated.
« Last Edit: Feb 14, 2014, 11:14 by Graphic »


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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #9 on: Feb 14, 2014, 07:06 »
BP and Cholesterol meds? Even if I told them which meds I take and the dosage?

Wow dude you don't read very well do you?
Graphic hit it right on the head.

Offline rookie25

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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #10 on: Feb 14, 2014, 08:57 »
Broadzilla please don't insult my intelligence! It might lower my self-esteem and I might fail my psych evaluation! But then I'd just realize I was insulted by a guy screenamed "Broadzilla" and that would brighten my spirits back up!

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Medical Conditions, FFD
« Reply #11 on: Feb 14, 2014, 09:48 »
Thanks for the input Graphic! I do have prescriptions for my medical conditions, neither of which I feel would impair my ability to be an NSO. I'm really looking forward to getting this job. I turned in my paperwork for my background investigation and now im playing the waiting game which absolutely sucks but being on this site, asking questions, and getting feedback form people in the Industry like yourself really makes things easier.

You may feeeeel that it would not impair your ability to be an NSO, but the combination of BP meds/cholesterol meds and sleep apnea may very well have the examining physician check the "NO" box on the Part 73 physical exam; NSO duties at some plants IIRC sometimes include fire brigade, and always require include ability to perform strenuous activity in a full-face respirator.


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