Facility & Company Information > Vogtle
Safety management plant Vogtle
I have been offered a position with a sub contractor doing construction at plant Vogtle. This is a new area of work for me and needing information about the FFD and unescorted access requirements. I've researched as much as I can find, however I need more specific answers that may be found among the members of this site. Will unescorted access be granted to the PA, OCA to a person with a felony dui? Convictions (1) 1999, (2) 1999, (3) 2001 (felony for 3rd). Been through verifiable treatment and no issues since. College degree and no trouble since 2001, however, is this even worth pursuing because of the felony conviction? is it an automatic denial? I'd like to contact Vogtle security management and pose this question as well. Thanks for any input.
Looks like its been over 10 years since the last issue. As long as you are honest and up front when you complete the paper work, you shouldn't have any problems. I've seen much worse get badged.
Just fill out all the paperwork honestly and accurately and all other questions will be answered.
Thanks for the responses.
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