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Exelon BMST score cutoff
« on: Feb 20, 2014, 10:27 »
Former Navy Seabee here turned nuke (no navy nuke experience trained). Going through the EO selection process with Exelon right now.  I have already passed the POSS/MASS test and took the BMST for Limerick today.  The test was everything I expected from reading the forums on here so I thank everyone for that information.

My question is does anyone know what the cutoff score is for the BMST?  I've read that you have to pass the POSS test and score 'satisfactory' on the BMST.  Any idea what satisfactory means? above 70%..80%?

This is the test description from the developers website...

"The Basic Math and Science Test (BMST) was designed by HST for use in the selection of Nuclear Reactor/Senior Reactor Operators. This 90-item test measures a candidate's potential for successfully completing enty-level training in nine areas of math and science. Over 10,000 candidates have taken the BMST. There are separate norms for Navy nuclear trained personnel and for those candidates without this training. The test identifies specific strengths and weaknesses for each candidate. Selecting the most qualified candidates with the BMST yields significant savings in training."

What I get from this is that the test is weighted depending upon experience.

...can anyone shed some light on this for me?

« Last Edit: Feb 20, 2014, 10:32 by jmoore34 »


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