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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #50 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:16 »
We have people who started as janitors at my plant who worked their way up to operations.  Your pity party is really not productive.  So lets say they revise all the job postings, you're still not qualified.  Instead of wasting your time arguing how something should be vice the way it is maybe you should put in some applications somewhere else in the industry.

show me a link for a janitor position and I'll apply.  I'll make sure to leave off my college info so they wont say im overqualified.    if they correctly posted i wouldn't have wasted hours of my life applying to jobs I never would get, and the HR people would save hours of time looking through applicants that have no business applying to jobs.  What terms do I put into the search area for job postings if entry level requires years of experience.

companies that list New Grads section for jobs require you to still be in school for any internship.  If I put I graduated they dont want me.

As far as to the other guy about unions.  The companies that I received the most benefits in terms of vacation time, rate of pay ect weren't unionized and actually had better benefits compared to companies in the same industry that were unionized.   

If you want a union fine,  but I elect to not participate. 


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #51 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:20 »
Then you won't get employed in the nuclear or utility industry as they are nearly 100 percent union nub. Given your lack of experience at anything how can you compare union to non union jobs? Last I checked all Burger Kings were non union son


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #52 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:30 »
I agree I dont think this is the industry for me.  If someone of the people on here represent the industry I wouldn't want to work for them.  Not a welcoming group.  There are a few good comments but most offer no direction.  Nothing on how to "get the foot in the door" how to find the companies ect.  

Your right Broadzilla,  I am dumb and stupid for picking a major that seemed to make sense.

Physics = Basketweaving


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #53 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:34 »
Then you won't get employed in the nuclear or utility industry as they are nearly 100 percent union nub. Given your lack of experience at anything how can you compare union to non union jobs? Last I checked all Burger Kings were non union son

you are comparing a nuclear operator to burger flipper at burger king

A&P = unionized and went banckrupt
Whole Foods= Offers health insurance to even part timers vacation pay and pretty good starting pay for the industry, not unionized

There are right to work laws as well allowing you to opt out. 

Sometimes unions are good.  but the workers are paying for it.  Let me keep the money I earned and not some union boss.

I get the feeling you are someone that supports this mess called Obamacare...  Maybe Im wrong


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #54 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:37 »
I never said that and so far as being welcoming. I told you how the system worked . Most nukes know it's a tough industry. No one here is your momma or daddy nor will you get it in the industry. It's most populated by hard a**  people who don't have time for whiners like you. I did it for 30 years and had a great time then again I wasn't a whiner, my advice grow up get a thicker skin and try another industry. If you expect coddling in an industry dominated by ex military people who weren't coddled you need to try something else. What you found here is common in the industry. You got a lot of good advice but it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Now go try something else nub


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #55 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:40 »
Again you make a bad assumption because you are not a very good thinker.
Granted there are right to work states and I will tell you something. Don't join the union and the union operators will not sign your qual card: you will be out of a job in a year and won't have money.

So far as I know the utilities with unions have made plenty of money since their inception.
You honestly are not very bright are you non qual?


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #56 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:40 »
I never said that and so far as being welcoming. I told you how the system worked . Most nukes know it's a tough industry. No one here is your momma or daddy nor will you get it in the industry. It's most populated by hard a**  people who don't have time for whiners like you. I did it for 30 years and had a great time then again I wasn't a whiner, my advice grow up get a thicker skin and try another industry. If you expect coddling in an industry dominated by ex military people who weren't coddled you need to try something else. What you found here is common in the industry. You got a lot of good advice but it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Now go try something else nub

You are right.  I didn't know it would be filled with ex-military personnel.  It wouldn't have crossed my mind.  I thought it was just another private sector job.  Thanks I'll steer clear.

thanks for calling me names.  


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #57 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:43 »
Again you make a bad assumption because you are not a very good thinker.
Granted there are right to work states and I will tell you something. Don't join the union and the union operators will not sign your qual card: you will be out of a job in a year and won't have money.

So far as I know the utilities with unions have made plenty of money since their inception.
You honestly are not very bright are you non qual?

the company could make more money not unionizing.  but hey its their money to throw around.  and see they force the union on you.  Even in right to work states you dont have the right to work.  You just said they will essentially fire you (even if you are fully qualified for the job) just because you didnt sign up for the union

Sounds like the union has the company by the balls if they let that kind of practice go around.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #58 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:45 »
It is private sector dominated by former navy nukes you know guys with practical experience and know how. This honestly shows how little thought you put into posting here and the job in general. 20 minutes of searching would have revealed it us predominantly ex navy. So far as the names they are typical of what a non qual is called in the nuke world snowflake.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #59 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:49 »
You aren't qualified at all until you complete your qual book and I no one can prove they aren't helping you. It is your job to get qualified and unless you have proof.... All they have to do is tell me you don't know enough or you cannot do the job on your own. That's enough for me.

You just said non union companies have better benefits. They must be shelling out more.

Btw union power plants make just as much as non union plants. Cost of labor is not a predominant factor nub


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #60 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:51 »
You could have said that at the start, that unless you worked for the government or know someone in the union you aren't getting the job.  

Where do you suggest a Physics Major with Chemistry and Math Background search for jobs then?  Havent heard anything but 'go someplace else'


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #61 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:54 »
You aren't qualified at all until you complete your qual book and I no one can prove they aren't helping you. It is your job to get qualified and unless you have proof.... All they have to do is tell me you don't know enough or you cannot do the job on your own. That's enough for me.

You just said non union companies have better benefits. They must be shelling out more.

Btw union power plants make just as much as non union plants. Cost of labor is not a predominant factor nub

I never said all non union companies have better benefits but I did say the ones I worked for do.   and wages are a part of the cost of hiring someone.  That is economics.   and if non union plants make just as much as union plants it sounds like the Union isn't doing their job


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #62 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:55 »
and your name calling shows a lack of maturity.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #63 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:56 »
No one said unless you know someone. I have hired hundreds of people and didn't know any of them till the interview and over half have been non military. You have a bad habit of putting your ignorance in someone else's mouth.

As for the your question. Don't know, don't care, your life not mine. I am not your parent, mentor or job aide. It was up to you to figure this out before you went down that path.
You figure it out.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #64 on: Mar 01, 2014, 06:58 »
The names I call you are the exact same ones any non qual gets called.
Unions are not there to make a company unprofitable

As I said  Burger King has no union and you have no basis for comparison


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #65 on: Mar 01, 2014, 10:22 »
Im going to have to agree with just about everything Broadzilla has said here Dukemaster. Youre attitude is one that will not enable you to make it in the nuclear industry. Right off the bat you talk about undercutting everyone elses wages and getting the job. You seem to be an authoritarian on the ethics of unions, but obvously know nothing of their merits. You have a self righteous attitude that companies are misleading in their advertisements and you are being disenfranchised. You will be like a square plug in a round hole in the nuclear industry and I believe you are just wasting your time on this forum, but are providing some time-consuming entertainment for others. Google Home Depot and Wal-Mart Manager Trainee positions----they aren't union and Im sure they would take your offer to work for less than anyone else in order to get hired.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #66 on: Mar 01, 2014, 10:29 »
Im going to have to agree with just about everything Broadzilla has said here Dukemaster. Youre attitude is one that will not enable you to make it in the nuclear industry. Right off the bat you talk about undercutting everyone elses wages and getting the job. You seem to be an authoritarian on the ethics of unions, but obvously know nothing of their merits. You have a self righteous attitude that companies are misleading in their advertisements and you are being disenfranchised. You will be like a square plug in a round hole in the nuclear industry and I believe you are just wasting your time on this forum, but are providing some time-consuming entertainment for others. Google Home Depot and Wal-Mart Manager Trainee positions----they aren't union and Im sure they would take your offer to work for less than anyone else in order to get hired.

DukeMaster87 is no longer a registered user on Nukeworker


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #67 on: Mar 01, 2014, 11:10 »
But the job descriptions were unfair, the testing process is unfair, the selection process is unfair, unions are unfair, his not being able to undercut the pay of his fellow workers is unfair, his degree not being of any help is unfair and he really didn't want to work with military people.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #68 on: Mar 02, 2014, 12:30 »
lol. Great thread. One thing about it you gotta love Broadzilla he tells it like it is, no sugarcoating.  [clap]


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #69 on: Mar 02, 2014, 12:49 »
But the job descriptions were unfair, the testing process is unfair, the selection process is unfair, unions are unfair, his not being able to undercut the pay of his fellow workers is unfair, his degree not being of any help is unfair and he really didn't want to work with military people.



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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #70 on: Mar 02, 2014, 10:27 »
lol. Great thread. One thing about it you gotta love Broadzilla he tells it like it is, no sugarcoating.  [clap]

I try my best :)

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #71 on: Mar 02, 2014, 10:29 »

This kid is a product of the parenting model that never corrects, always pats on head, and says "everyone is a winner." He is also a product of the college industry lie that everyone should go to college, and that everyone will have a job waiting for them afterwards.

In short, the "me" generation.

In his mind, he is entitled to everything on a golden platter. He reminds me of a couple of the "me" generation that slipped through the hiring process in our most recent NLO classes. They expect to be paid to show up to work, but if you want them to work, that's something extra.

We, as an industry, have to be on our guard with our hiring these days.

As a small aneqdote, one of these "me'ers" was on a 12 hour double day..., getting paid nearly 90/hr. I called him down for some minor clearance work and he responds "I knew you were going to do this!"

I said "Do what?"

He says "Cut into my a$$ time."

I had to count to 10 before I said "You expect me to pay you 90/hr to sit on your a$$ all f*&kin day? Go home, I'll call someone else."

He says "I was just kidding."



Me'ers..., avoid them like the plague when hiring.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #72 on: Mar 02, 2014, 11:14 »

This kid is a product of the parenting model that never corrects, always pats on head, and says "everyone is a winner." He is also a product of the college industry lie that everyone should go to college, and that everyone will have a job waiting for them afterwards.

In short, the "me" generation.

In his mind, he is entitled to everything on a golden platter. He reminds me of a couple of the "me" generation that slipped through the hiring process in our most recent NLO classes. They expect to be paid to show up to work, but if you want them to work, that's something extra.

We, as an industry, have to be on our guard with our hiring these days.

As a small aneqdote, one of these "me'ers" was on a 12 hour double day..., getting paid nearly 90/hr. I called him down for some minor clearance work and he responds "I knew you were going to do this!"

I said "Do what?"

He says "Cut into my a$$ time."

I had to count to 10 before I said "You expect me to pay you 90/hr to sit on your a$$ all f*&kin day? Go home, I'll call someone else."

He says "I was just kidding."



Me'ers..., avoid them like the plague when hiring.


Excellent post. Btw I owe you an email.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #73 on: Mar 02, 2014, 11:40 »

Me'ers..., avoid them like the plague when hiring.


I like 'em,....

they're gonna keep me the preferred viable option well into my 70's should I choose to be,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #74 on: Mar 02, 2014, 08:29 »
For a while I was thinking that this guy was a puppet account sent here to piss off Broadzilla  [jerry], but he really was serious. I understand some of his feelings, it is tough getting in when you are truly "entry level", but his entitled attitude was a tough one to sympathize with.


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