Career Path > EEI Tests

Guessing Penalty Eliminated?


The link below is the agenda from the "EEI 2012 Conference on Testing".  There's a comment in the description of one of the meetings about the elimination of correction for guessing on testing.

Guessing penalty was NOT eliminated according to some people I asked (HR people that administer and grade the tests)

even if it was you still have a 75% chance of guessing wrong so not sure why that would be better than no ding for blanks?


--- Quote from: 175mws on Jun 13, 2014, 01:26 ---even if it was you still have a 75% chance of guessing wrong so not sure why that would be better than no ding for blanks?

--- End quote ---

If by 'guess', you are limiting yourself to pure, blind, don't-have-a-clue, stab-in-the-dark moments, then...yes, your math works.

Most 'guesses' actually come after you have eliminated one or two of the options, the math is in your favor to make the 'guess'.

I ALWAYS 'guess'...and have always passed the EEI tests that I have taken.

Good luck!  :)

...and that doesn't even take into consideration the fact that, if you have studied for a couple of weeks before the test (like you NEED to), most 'guesses' are actually more like 'informed subconscious choices' that you 'knew' without knowing why.


Unca, I think it more implies to the "unfinished" questions vs the ones you are working on. Not uncommon for these tests to have a few blanks, and the "guessing penalty"; I would assume, is to discourage "guessing" on those empty questions 30 seconds before the clock runs out.  If there was no guessing penalty, you could move at your own pace and then christmas tree the back lot with a 25% chance of getting extra points.


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