This is nuke worker, not LADWP worker. That said, and not knowing you, sure, why not?
Make sure you pay attention to the overtime that those people put in and consider the enormous cost of living.
200k is nice, except when your house is 800k+, gas is 5 dollars a gallon, taxes are high, etc.
Everything he
Gotta pass their entrance exam, gotta get selected for interview. Possible so far. It helps to not look like or have a name like Andy Griffith.
Then there is the NERC certificate exam. The Miller book is a good start, but you will want to memorize and understand the growing plethora of NERC Standards. You can get hired without the NERC cert., but to stand out on the interview you want to sound knowledgeable about power system operations. Especially the buzzing 60 Hz side. A lot of power system operations centers are currently hiring trainees that can flashbulb memorize some standards and the ACE equation to (barely) pass a NERC exam, but knowing the difference between a cap bank and Citibank, an 80 MVAR reactor vs S5G would go a long way in impressing the interviewing panel. Speaking of which (and I have no affiliation with you or the hiring agency whatsoever), if you are asked to define a VAR and use beer anywhere in the definition, I would
fail you on the spot. Learn the real definition and be prepared to talk your way through the math.
Plus all of those STAR questions that put you on equal footing with Oprah, such as "name a time when you had a disagreement with a peer, blah blah blah, name a time when you solved world hunger and give three examples, blah blah blah"
Other than that....cowboy up! and good luck!