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Author Topic: Possession charges pending.  (Read 8266 times)

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Offline Slime_ball

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Possession charges pending.
« on: Feb 03, 2015, 01:46 »
Hey ya'll , on dec 5th I got busted for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. I have two contracts for two different power stations (both Dominion) and I don't know what to do as far as filling my PHQ out. Should I say I have stuff pending or wait for my court date in two weeks? These would be my 3rd and 4th outages.

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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #1 on: Feb 03, 2015, 07:43 »
I wouldn't know how to give you any good news about your post.

If I could wait two weeks for a resolution I would.

If the PHQ is due before that time then it is charges pending with a court date.

Ultimately, Do Not Lie.

Either way you have to disclose the arrest.

Send a PM to Graphic. he will give you better information.
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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #2 on: Feb 04, 2015, 01:29 »
If guilty, it might be wise to drop out then go there and be dropped.  One of the purposes of the PHQ is to keep out people who choose marijuana over their job.  This is not Colorado.  There are those working who partook of drugs, but usually five years in their past.  The competition for jobs is fierce, and the company has many waiting to get in.  You didn't say in your post like it was not true, or some misunderstanding.


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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #3 on: Feb 06, 2015, 09:11 »
Hey ya'll , on dec 5th I got busted for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. I have two contracts for two different power stations (both Dominion) and I don't know what to do as far as filling my PHQ out. Should I say I have stuff pending or wait for my court date in two weeks? These would be my 3rd and 4th outages.

I'll go ahead and tell you that you won't get access. Pending charges, especially for that type of stuff is going to be a no go. I wouldn't waste your time until you get the situation resolved.

Offline Slime_ball

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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #4 on: Feb 09, 2015, 04:06 »
I'll go ahead and tell you that you won't get access. Pending charges, especially for that type of stuff is going to be a no go. I wouldn't waste your time until you get the situation resolved.

Thanks for the reply! My lawyer said he could get it dropped to disorderly conduct with no probation . If this is the case would I still be likely to be denied ? I am not a long term user of any sort of substance and can pass a drug test if that helps.


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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #5 on: Feb 09, 2015, 08:04 »
It all depends. Did you actually use marijuana? If so, and you are honest on your PHQ, then I'd still say more than likely you won't gain access. Also, it isn't the first time anyone in access has seen a case pleaded down from what it originally was so they certainly know how the court system works with those charges. Even though you plead it down, your original charge is what they will see when running your background. In this case, it is a drug/alcohol related offense within the past 5 years. The FAQ's and many other posts I have been a part of explain what that process entails. But the most important thing you will need outside of the plant is a substance abuse evaluation.

Right now my suggestion is to just take care of the court situation. Once that is done then you can worry about the other stuff. As of right now I don't see why anyone would risk giving you access.

Wish you the best, hope you turn it around.


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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #6 on: Feb 09, 2015, 08:12 »
Our industry is based on the trust worthiness of its personnel. If you are interested in this industry then having a spotless or as spotless record as possible is a must. Even having bad credit can keep you from getting access.
If you have issues and your lawyer can get the charges reduced, it will still ALL have to be explained. Answer their questions truthfully and be succinct

Lots of luck on this on ... let us know how it turns out.

Offline Slime_ball

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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #7 on: Feb 09, 2015, 11:20 »
It all depends. Did you actually use marijuana? If so, and you are honest on your PHQ, then I'd still say more than likely you won't gain access. Also, it isn't the first time anyone in access has seen a case pleaded down from what it originally was so they certainly know how the court system works with those charges. Even though you plead it down, your original charge is what they will see when running your background. In this case, it is a drug/alcohol related offense within the past 5 years. The FAQ's and many other posts I have been a part of explain what that process entails. But the most important thing you will need outside of the plant is a substance abuse evaluation.

Right now my suggestion is to just take care of the court situation. Once that is done then you can worry about the other stuff. As of right now I don't see why anyone would risk giving you access.

Wish you the best, hope you turn it around.

Thank you , my lawyer sped things along and I was charged with misorderly conduct. In the police report it states that I was smoking. I believe I've had my last nuclear hoorah. I am still going to try and will let you all know how it unfolds


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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #8 on: Feb 09, 2015, 11:32 »
It isn't something that will get you denied forever. However, it will definitely hinder you for the next couple of years.

Good luck!

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Possession charges pending.
« Reply #9 on: Feb 13, 2015, 11:30 »
Thank you , my lawyer sped things along and I was charged with misorderly conduct. In the police report it states that I was smoking. I believe I've had my last nuclear hoorah. I am still going to try and will let you all know how it unfolds
well, misorderly conduct could be better than misterorderly conduct dependent on awl involved orientations. that sayed, burning won is still a know no in the biz atomic. on the other hand, cannabis cultivators are hiring in more places than colorado.
« Last Edit: Feb 13, 2015, 11:31 by SloGlo »
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