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Offline PercMastaFTW

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Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« on: May 12, 2014, 09:29 »
Hey guys. I've recently graduated boot camp and have been given the route of an EM. I originally wanted ET as my #1 (you’ll see much information on them here), but over the time I was at boot camp, I learned some valuable information, tips and tricks for future nukes in actually getting the rating you want (along with previous knowledge posted here on the boards)! Hopefully this guide I've written can help out some future sailors! Of course, there will be some misc. information that may prove useful to you as well!

General Information:
In Fleet: AROUND* 20% ET; 30% EM; 50% MM
Accepted During My Basic Training: 24% ET; 27% EM; 49% MM

Percentage of Acceptance:
74% given first rating choice
22% given second choice
4% given last choice.

Random Divisions near my graduation date receiving ET:
(Total Nukes in Division; Who Chose ET #1 Choice; Received ET)
15; 7-8; ALL 7-8
16; ?; NONE
8; 3-4; ALL 3-4
My Division: 8; 4; 3 ME = :’(
5; 2-3; 1

As you can see, some divisions were very lucky, while some weren’t at all.

Attrition Rates:
30% Overall Attrition rate, including boot camp.
6-10% Academic Attrition Rate throughout nuclear pipeline

When you choose your nuclear rating:
Probably 3-2 day (pronounced three-two day) during boot camp. You will come in with your brother division's nukes into a brief with your nuclear advisors. They will be answering questions and will show you many videos. There will be slides that discuss each individual ratings, and much more information about the entire school experience. There are no “interviews” at all.
After that, they will read each of your names out and you verbally give your #1 and #2 rating of choice while in your group.
Your Academic Package:
All the reviewers look at for your “package” is your ASVAB, NAPT, and ratings of choice. They try their hardest to give you your top choices. No transcripts from school, etc., nor college degrees.
*Asvab AFQT score means absolutely NOTHING. It’s mostly about the Nuke (MK + AR + VE + MC) and Electrician(GS + EI + MK + AR) score. You dont have priority over someone with a lower score though, as it seems they look at individual line scores rather than your entire nuke score.
Of course, having the highest score possible will be your best ticket into being given priority for your #1 choice.

Many line scores can go to high 70’s. I had a shipmate with a 292 nuke score, so be sure to note that you can get a very high score.

I had a 97 ASVAB and a 262 nuke and electrician score. An 86 ASVAB and 258 nuke/electrician scoring ship mate in my brother division got ET. Of course he got a low 40 in his Mechanical Comprehension. His division also had a bunch of 99 asvab nukes who wanted ET as well. He was the only one who got it. I do remember a ~244 nuke scoring shipmate received ET.

***Note that it's not just you and your brother division that you're "competing" for your job. You are also going against around the other divisions that are graduating the same date as you. You will possibly have around 10 divisions total. We had only about 27 nukes fly to Charleston after graduation with 9 divisions (some other divisions that graduated at different dates had 20 nukes in ONE division!). Seems like we didn't have many nukes in our time.

A week or two before me, there were two shipmates. One had a 95 and the other had an 85 on the ASVAB. The 85 got ET with a 164 nuke score. I am not sure about the nuke score of the 95 ASVAB. All I know is he wanted ET very badly.

It does seem they give priority to those with high scores, but if a rounded nuke wants ET, but a nuke with a lower score AND without an Mechanical background wants ET, the reviewers will probably move the rounded nuke into a different rating, since he still has an aptitude for it. It’s also seeming to be based on luck (who wants what during your boot camp, what their scores are etc.). A lower scoring “rounded” nuke probably will be placed into his second job if that’s the “needs of the navy”, while a higher scoring “rounded nuke” will probably be safe.

If you want ET #1 (and EM #2 automatically):
Choose ET, EM, MM
None of these "combinations" are full proof (your scores still matter a lot!). A shipmate received MM with around an 85 ASVAB score from using this combination. Not sure about his line scores (still much, much more important than the AFQT score).

If you want MM as your #2, you better have very high scores. I have only seen people get MM from that route, but of course I haven’t seen a very high scoring nuke attempt it in my very limited experiences.

If you want EM strictly #1 and MM #2:
Use the ET as a buffer for your “3rd” choice. If you want EM #1 and ET #2, this is possibly your only combination to do that in, with extremely low chances of receiving ET.
If you choose MM as your #2, you’ll probably be given MM nearly AUTOMATICALLY. Not a rule, but just some experiences I've seen. Of course, if you get a really high score, you'll probably be very safe in doing whatever you want.

I had a shipmate in my division go that route (EM, MM, ET) and received MM, while a lower scoring shipmate in my division went EM, ET MM, and was given EM.

If you want MM #1 and EM #2:
I had two shipmates from another division. One wanted EM, the other MM. They somehow switched ratings since they chose each other’s as #2. The first combination is probably the safest. Sorry if you get ET from doing it!!! It CAN happen.

Anyways, KEEP STUDYING AND RE-TAKING THE ASVAB EACH MONTH, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR RECRUITER SAYS. Of course, till you get a score you’re happy with! As you've heard, there's scores around 240 that get ET (A Nuclear Advisor said 240 is around the average as well). I'd say 270+ is what you should aim for, for the "best" chance. Always aim higher though :) Again, it’s really up to luck and many variables of your timing!

If you want ET, many and I have noticed the trend of lower MC scores (although some had good MC scores with 270+ nuke scores). It probably is a coincidence. All I know is that the nuclear advisors told me that it isn't true. There’s probably some truth to it, though seeing many members here talking about it as well. Some say to answer some MC questions incorrectly on purpose if you want ET, which makes complete sense!

In either case, get the highest line scores you can get! Maybe some other members can elaborate on the MC section and give insight in if that's a viable strategy (*check updates).

Again, line scores can go above 70. I may have seen a 76 or higher in one of my friend’s scores. Take note of it!


Thanks to all of you guys here for always giving me such great support and information anytime I asked! I hope I can continue to give back to the community in every way I can.


My NNPTC neighbor received ET (his second choice). He chose EM, ET, MM. He wasn't auto-qualified and didn't have a good MC score.

Another nuke who also didn't auto qualify went ET, EM, and MM. About 8 in his division wanted ET and had much better scores than him. He was given ET and had a 70+MC score.  Only two of his divisions got it. His last name started with "C", so he is speculating that they may lean towards (or look over each applicant) giving ratings alphabetically. The second ET also had a last name starting with an early letter. The rest down the list were EM/MM. Very interesting!!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 03:44 by PercMastaFTW »

Offline Marlin

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2014, 10:17 »
Thanx for the feedback  +K

Offline Savage

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 09:31 »
Congrats on getting through boot. If you have any questions about a school or power school I'll be happy to answer them if I can. I have some general tips. I was where you are now exactly 2 years ago.

Study hard early to get on volunteer hours. It makes a difference when you can do things on your own terms. Extra time now pays off dividends later. I was on vols from week 4 of a school until the end of power school.

Don't be a dirtbag. Examples of this are showing up late, not shaving, not being in a good uniform, etc.

Do not violate your integrity, ever.

Enjoy your weekends, lots of cool stuff goes on in Charleston.

I hate saying this, but if it ever seems like too much talk to someone about your problems.

Stay in shape.

Lastly, some people are toxic. So many times I heard, "oh just wait until you get to this test in this subject you're going to fail." Well I never did.

Keep your head up. It's really a good time if you don't let it get to you. Good luck.

Oh yeah don't say shipmate. Lol people hate that.

Offline PercMastaFTW

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2014, 03:47 »
Congrats on getting through boot. If you have any questions about a school or power school I'll be happy to answer them if I can. I have some general tips. I was where you are now exactly 2 years ago.

Study hard early to get on volunteer hours. It makes a difference when you can do things on your own terms. Extra time now pays off dividends later. I was on vols from week 4 of a school until the end of power school.

Don't be a dirtbag. Examples of this are showing up late, not shaving, not being in a good uniform, etc.

Do not violate your integrity, ever.

Enjoy your weekends, lots of cool stuff goes on in Charleston.

I hate saying this, but if it ever seems like too much talk to someone about your problems.

Stay in shape.

Lastly, some people are toxic. So many times I heard, "oh just wait until you get to this test in this subject you're going to fail." Well I never did.

Keep your head up. It's really a good time if you don't let it get to you. Good luck.

Oh yeah don't say shipmate. Lol people hate that.

Yo, thanks savage. Will probably send a message to you sometime! And I'll be sure to stay away from those people haha. Yeah, I know about that shipmate thing lol. Only call those I met at basic that now haha.

Offline craeeg

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #4 on: Jun 04, 2014, 09:58 »
Hey there. I am leaving for Great Lakes on Monday and I want ET as my #1.
Do you think it would be safe for me to go ET, MM, EM?

Offline MMM

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #5 on: Jun 05, 2014, 09:50 »
You should always listen to the guy who just made it through Boot Camp. He is obviously the best informed about the process for determining what rate you will be.  :P

Offline Starkist

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #6 on: Jun 07, 2014, 10:50 »
Pretty sure the navy picks ratings based on keeping averages, not some special "Score" you need to get on your asvab. For all intents and purposes, I absolutely smashed the asvab, and my picks were ET, EM, MM in that order. Lo and behold I got my MM rating lol... My point, is I don't know any better than you do. You're making a lot of assumptions based on your short lived accountings in boot camp, not a grandiose "big navy" picture.  Not trying to belittle your observations, just simply stating the facts of your experience.

That said, I can't agree with taking the asvab multiple times; that makes no sense at all. Once accepted into the nuke program; by your very words, someone with a lower score got picked over you, so why would you condone wasting your time to do something that probably doesn't matter very much?\

Thank you for service, and focus on your schooling now.

Offline PercMastaFTW

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #7 on: Jun 07, 2014, 11:30 »
Yes starkist, I do have a very veryy limited knowledge. This is just from what I've observed and from asking some people here at nuke school. Care to share your scores so we can see if there's a resemblance or if it breaks any of the trends I've seen? It would be very helpful!! As I've written in the OP, there's a lot of special cases that do deviate from the mainstream lol. Most of what I've seen seems just to be more common than not. Also, I WILL be getting back to you in the PM!!! About retaking, I just mean that maybe you didn't even try to go nuke (I originally wanted IT), so the next time you can concentrate on upping the scores you need to be competitive. Or maybe you found this topic after qualifying for nuke and want to know what to focus on to help you gain an edge of receiving your #1 haha.

Also, since the guy got like ~15 points lower than me on MC, and his nuke score was only a 4 point difference it must have meant he got around 15 points higher in the other scores, which matter more for being ET than MM. Those 15 points in the other areas could have made a difference though, even if we only used the nuke score (~+5 higher in each math/verbals, lower mc; combined, thats a lot better chance at ET lol).

That being said craeeg, that's probably the most complicated combination! To tell you straightforward from my limited knowledge, I don't know how that could end up. I'm leaning towards MM, though. I'll get to that in a second. You seem to have a 283 Electrician score, which is freaking great!!!!! Especially since it's higher than your Nuke score. You do also have an outstanding MC score... hmmmmmmmmm.

A lot is based on luck too (needs of navy, what others pick your week etc.). I haven't met an ET yet that went ET, MM, and EM (besides my suite mate who got ET going EM, ET, MM). My brother division was the "5, 2-3, 1" in the OP. The guy who got it went ET, EM, MM. One went that as well (the 85 scorer who got #3 MM). The other two went ET, MM, EM and both got MM. Not sure on their scores, though I know someone got a 99... not that that matters much, but could maybe give a guesstimate of his nuke score etc.

Another point would be my shipmate who went EM, MM, and ET compared to my EM, ET, MM friend with a much lower score in the same div. Guess who got EM? xD

I know that the people who choose your rating try to give your top two as best as they can. If they see you as MM, they probably will be like "Oh, he doesn't mind MM, and he over-qualifies for it too with that MC!" and give it to you haha.

You could TRY to do that combination (not saying this negatively either!). It would even give a some nice information to this topic hahaha. I haven't seen such scores like yours use that combo yet! Again, I haven't seen much, though I proactively ask!

For now, I would keep researching MM vs EM and see if you really want MM as your second choice. Anything is possible, especially with your great scores. That's just the combination I don't know too much about, besides not knowing any ET's who chose that combination (again, I have limited knowledge!). When I said "you better have high scores!" in the OP I mostly meant that I haven't had much knowledge on it, but I GUESS* it hard to go that route from just general knowledge of what that combination has received (don't know anything about their scores though).

Again, it's hard to tell, especially in your case! You have a VERYY high electrician score. You also have a very high MC score. You also want to go ET, MM, and EM.

I PERSONALLY would lean towards MM if it's picked as #2, and of course they most likely need a solid MC score, which you do. That's the most common expectation, but nothing is a rule. Maybe they have some other sort of choosing principles. Maybe they will know which rating you will excel more in, or maybe they will just want more MM's haha.

In the OP: My friend and his div friend got ET with lower scores than his counterparts. They had last names near the start of the alphabet (his name started with C). The rest got EM and MM (with higher scores). 4 of us in my division wanted ET. 3 of us got it. I didn't. My last name starts with Y... Do you have an early letter? xD

LASTLY, I'll probably put this in the OP some time. Getting your #1 also is dependent on when your division goes to choose your ratings. That schedule is LUCK. If you're lucky to be the first two divisions to see the nuke advisors out of your graduating class, that's when you'll have the highest chance of getting your #1. Again, COMPLETELY based on luck, like much else! Anyways, I gotta wake up in a few hours lol. Hope this helped out someewhat!
« Last Edit: Jun 07, 2014, 11:40 by PercMastaFTW »

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #8 on: Jun 08, 2014, 08:44 »
Stop giving out answers that you know NOTHING about. Sure, you've talked to folks at nuke school. Were they staff or students? If they were students, they have as little or less info than you and you're just promoting probably incorrect information. If they were staff, they were probably doing the same. To figure out how they actually choose what rate you're going to be, you would need to talk to the guys that actually make that decision, and those would be (I think) the detailers in Millington.

Offline PercMastaFTW

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #9 on: Jun 08, 2014, 09:51 »
Oh your post was sarcasm -__-

Offline Atom_breaker

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #10 on: Jun 10, 2014, 08:16 »
Oh your post was sarcasm -__-

I didn't realize that the first time I read through. I actually thought the fresh knowledge was normally the most helpful. But they have a few good points about students not knowing the entire picture.

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #11 on: Jun 12, 2014, 08:31 »
If you want to be the best of the best, at the absolute pinnacle of nuclear achievement, the envy of all nuclear wannabes, the sailor that the admiral himself held in highest regard, the individual that bears the nuclear burden with the greatest of ease.... then whatever rate (ustabe MM) allows you the best chance of being one of the anointed, is where you want to be. Knowing that  the old salts are fully aware of the entity being referenced here,and that as a young nuke you may not be, this seemingly divine being would of course be an Engineering Laboratory Technician - also known throughout the universe as..... ELT. MM2/ELT USS Nimitz CVN-68 1980-1984 BOHICA.
« Last Edit: Jun 12, 2014, 08:33 by fiveeleven »

Offline GLW

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #12 on: Jun 12, 2014, 08:42 »
If you want to be the best of the best, at the absolute pinnacle of nuclear achievement, the envy of all nuclear wannabes, the sailor that the admiral himself held in highest regard, the individual that bears the nuclear burden with the greatest of ease.... then whatever rate (ustabe MM) allows you the best chance of being one of the anointed, is where you want to be. Knowing that  the old salts are fully aware of the entity being referenced here,and that as a young nuke you may not be, this seemingly divine being would of course be an Engineering Laboratory Technician - also known throughout the universe as..... ELT. MM2/ELT USS Nimitz CVN-68 1980-1984 BOHICA.

ELT is not a rate,...

It is a calling,...

ELT is not annointed, ELT is earned,...

Well, used to be, it's a new Navy,...

the new US Army is handing out berets to anybody who can wear one,...

and the new NNPP is bestowing ELT on anybody who can walk and chew gum simultaneously (AIUI),...

is not "equal outcomes" a glorious result in and of itself?!?!?!? [sarcasm]
« Last Edit: Jun 12, 2014, 08:44 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #13 on: Jun 12, 2014, 09:29 »
I'm pretty sure I've had a couple ELTs who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #14 on: Jun 12, 2014, 09:47 »
I'm pretty sure I've had a couple ELTs who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time.

   I don't think you are disagreeing with GLW. Criteria for ELT have changed over the years. The first ELTs were Corpsman and even after MMs started doing the Chemistry and RadCon the Corpsman collected the film badges that were developed in the tank in the nucleonics lab. If it was slow I helped read the film density for gamma dose and counted tracks for neutron dose. In the early to mid 70s TLDs were introduced and the tank was only used for photographs taken through the periscope and the ELTs did all of the dosimetry with a TLD reader in the lab. When I applied for ELT you were not considered unless you also applied for staff pickup. I don't know what the criteria is today but it varied even over the 8 years I was in based on needs of the Navy though in general you had to be in the upper 50 percentile to apply.

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been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #16 on: Jun 12, 2014, 10:12 »
ELT is not a rate,...

It is a calling,...

2:26 onwards, GLW gets his first AN/PDR-27 probe....

Offline MMM

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #17 on: Jun 12, 2014, 10:24 »
   I don't think you are disagreeing with GLW. Criteria for ELT have changed over the years. The first ELTs were Corpsman and even after MMs started doing the Chemistry and RadCon the Corpsman collected the film badges that were developed in the tank in the nucleonics lab. If it was slow I helped read the film density for gamma dose and counted tracks for neutron dose. In the early to mid 70s TLDs were introduced and the tank was only used for photographs taken through the periscope and the ELTs did all of the dosimetry with a TLD reader in the lab. When I applied for ELT you were not considered unless you also applied for staff pickup. I don't know what the criteria is today but it varied even over the 8 years I was in based on needs of the Navy though in general you had to be in the upper 50 percentile to apply.

I was epically failing at being funny. It used to be (I think) that ELTs were only selected from the top 25% (maybe 50%) of the class, however sometime in the past decade it was changed so if you're selecting 3 ELTs, one is top third, one middle third and one bottom third. Then, for some stupid reason, we pick the bottom one to stay as JSI.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #18 on: Jun 12, 2014, 10:33 »
I was epically failing at being funny. It used to be (I think) that ELTs were only selected from the top 25% (maybe 50%) of the class, however sometime in the past decade it was changed so if you're selecting 3 ELTs, one is top third, one middle third and one bottom third. Then, for some stupid reason, we pick the bottom one to stay as JSI.

Navy logic  :P

Offline GLW

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #19 on: Jun 12, 2014, 12:40 »
I was epically failing at being funny. It used to be (I think) that ELTs were only selected from the top 25% (maybe 50%) of the class, however sometime in the past decade it was changed so if you're selecting 3 ELTs, one is top third, one middle third and one bottom third. Then, for some stupid reason, we pick the bottom one to stay as JSI.

In my day it was top 50% for both NPS and NPTU,...

I seem to remember in imaginos' day it was top 25%,...

Since then it has become a freebie, handed out like candy by Santa Claus,...

means little more if anything on the recent resumes than being a straight MM with some R-5 experience,...

kinda prefer the straight MMs/EMs and occasional ROs with R-5 and 0288 vice ELTs nowadays,...

they wanted it,...

Do what you want to do, what you like to do, and hire those doing what they like to do,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Marlin

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #20 on: Jun 12, 2014, 01:07 »
In my day it was top 50% for both NPS and NPTU,...

I seem to remember in imaginos' day it was top 25%,...

Since then it has become a freebie, handed out like candy by Santa Claus,...

means little more if anything on the recent resumes than being a straight MM with some R-5 experience,...

kinda prefer the straight MMs/EMs and occasional ROs with R-5 and 0288 vice ELTs nowadays,...

they wanted it,...

Do what you want to do, what you like to do, and hire those doing what they like to do,...

Like every generation of Nukes there is a benchmark on when your specific NEC or Nukes in general started to decline. Mine is when thy required a reader for the Primary sample. The primary sample was the big hurdle to passing the ELT cross crew qualification. It was expected that you perform the entire sample sequence without error. I was a little insulted when that criteria was added. I am sure those today will have their own benchmark valid or invalid as is mine.

To get back on topic, PercMastaFTW thanx again for the update.

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #21 on: Jun 12, 2014, 03:38 »
.........Mine is when thy required a reader for the Primary sample. The primary sample was the big hurdle to passing the ELT cross crew qualification. It was expected that you perform the entire sample sequence without error.........

That almost got me busted,...

No good deed goes unpunished, or almost punished,...

 [beer]beer story [beer]

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Starkist

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #22 on: Jun 13, 2014, 02:27 »
ELT is not a rate,...

It is a calling,...

ELT is not annointed, ELT is earned,...

Well, used to be, it's a new Navy,...

the new US Army is handing out berets to anybody who can wear one,...

and the new NNPP is bestowing ELT on anybody who can walk and chew gum simultaneously (AIUI),...

is not "equal outcomes" a glorious result in and of itself?!?!?!? [sarcasm]

"We're not lowering the bar, we're making the bar easier to achieve!" - Admiral Bowman

Offline craeeg

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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #23 on: Aug 03, 2014, 03:00 »
I graduated from boot camp last Friday and I am now situated in my beq at charleston. I got ET :D


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Re: Obtaining Your Nuclear Rating of Choice
« Reply #24 on: Aug 11, 2014, 07:11 »
ELT is not a rate,...

It is a calling,...

ELT is not annointed, ELT is earned,...

Well, used to be, it's a new Navy,...

the new US Army is handing out berets to anybody who can wear one,...

and the new NNPP is bestowing ELT on anybody who can walk and chew gum simultaneously (AIUI),...

is not "equal outcomes" a glorious result in and of itself?!?!?!? [sarcasm]

only the craftiest of folk can join their ranks



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