Career Path > Resume & Interview

Hiring Process


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--- Quote from: NuclearCowboy17 on May 16, 2014, 01:00 --- It is easy to find individuals (and their contact info) that work at the facility, whether it be via company website, linkedin, the book of face, etc etc. Would it be a good idea to reach out to one of these people, including the hiring manager if known, just to say hello, I am very interested in this position and look forward to speaking with you if I am chosen?

--- End quote ---

Every place I have worked, unless that individual gave you a business card and invited you to call, it would be considered creepy. You'd get the "please contact HR" reply, and then crickets. Hiring managers are usually involved in many important projects, and can't take random calls from the applicants, that's why they have HR do it. YMMV

Yall is spelled y'all. Y'all.


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