Career Path > Resume & Interview

Meter Reader Testing/Interview


A meter reader is a great way to get your foot in the door with an electric comapny. Has anyone taken this approach? If so what should one expect from testing for this position? Also what are some questions one would be expect to answer in an interview?

Most utilities are investing gobs of money in "Smart Meters", and won't be hiring meter readers in the future.

Roll Tide:

--- Quote from: bg35 on May 26, 2014, 06:59 ---A meter reader is a great way to get your foot in the door with an electric comapny. Has anyone taken this approach?
--- End quote ---

My father went straight into OPS Training for what would be an AUO today, but the exam was 25% reading meters.
Of course, this was in the first year of the US involvement in the Korean War!!!!!  :o :o :o


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