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Author Topic: nuclear decontamination/ decommissioning / radioactive waste cleanup- newbie job  (Read 6907 times)

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Offline cbar2014

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I currently work as an industrial firefighter/EMT/hazmat tech at a plant. However, I have always wanted a job doing nuclear waste cleanup/remediation work. I have always wanted to do nuclear waste cleanup, but didn't know how to get into this line of work. Do you have any advice for someone interested in switching careers to doing nuclear waste cleanup / decommissioning work? I feel that my background training in firefighting/ hazardous materials technician/ hazwoper-48 hour/ asbestos and lead worker abatement as well as an EMT might be very useful in this line of work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Chris

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
check your PMs,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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