Career Path > Different Country
Department name in US power plants?
Hi there,
as someone working in nuclear in Germany I might be interested in working in the US. I'm currently working in a department that deals with radiation protection, nuclear physics, chemistry, emergency response and so on. Every german plant has such a department, and translated directly that department would be called "Surveillance". However, searching with that keyword does not bring up much, so I suppose that department is called differently. Does anyone know how? Or are US plants organized differently?
retired nuke:
--- Quote from: DrTron on Jun 03, 2014, 07:36 ---Hi there,
as someone working in nuclear in Germany I might be interested in working in the US. I'm currently working in a department that deals with radiation protection, nuclear physics, chemistry, emergency response and so on. Every german plant has such a department, and translated directly that department would be called "Surveillance". However, searching with that keyword does not bring up much, so I suppose that department is called differently. Does anyone know how? Or are US plants organized differently?
--- End quote ---
Over here, that's usually several departments:
Health Physics / Radiation Protection
Emergency Planning
Thanks for the info. So those departments usually reside directly beneath the plant manager?
For us (VC Summer), RP and Chemistry have their own Manager.
EP falls under the General Manager, Nuclear Support Services, along with Nuclear Licensing, Scheduling & Planning and Outage Planning.
Thanks, that'll help me a lot!
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