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Author Topic: Former MP seeking career guidance  (Read 3726 times)

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Former MP seeking career guidance
« on: Jun 07, 2014, 12:50 »
Hey guys, newcomer here - thanks for having me!

I was an active duty MP K9 handler for 5 years, served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and some Secret Service missions stateside. I finished college in December and am currently working as an armed guard here in California. I have been told that nuclear sites are pretty well-paid positions and I think I am up to the task. I am dedicated, hardworking, and self-disciplined with a clean background.

When it comes to nuclear sites, however, I'm not sure the first place to start. If someone in California is willing to reach out to me and lend some guidance I would greatly appreciate it. The best I've found is a list of nuclear facilities in the state on wikipedia. I'll try to do some research and track down the companies that own each site and then inquire as to what security company holds their contract/or if they have in-house and go from there but trying to go at this from all angles, which is why I'm reaching out to you on this forum!

Thanks in advance! PM's welcome, I can give you my email or linkedin and we can go from there.


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Re: Former MP seeking career guidance
« Reply #1 on: Jun 07, 2014, 02:06 »
Southern California Edison owns San Onofre, Pacific Gas and Electric owns Diablo Canyon. I haven't worked either site but I would think that they have their own security because most plants do. Their websites would be the first place to start.

You can do a job search here for security jobs would be another good suggestion. I know that Wackenhut does security at the test site in Nevada. Their website is another one to look through.

I hope that this helps.


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