Career Path > Radiation Safety

Alpha to Beta/Gamma ratio

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Thanks for the replies. GLW--I'm going to read up and then I will ask you and Piggy Back questions later! I appreciate your help. I'm still listening too--for anybody who wants to elaborate further.

The appendix doesn't print. Well, it prints but the information has been withheld by EPRI. Every subject heading is followed by "Content deleted-EPRI Proprietary Information." But I'm sure somebody here at the plant has it.


--- Quote from: wiesner1 on Jul 14, 2014, 12:04 ---The appendix doesn't print. Well, it prints but the information has been withheld by EPRI. Every subject heading is followed by "Content deleted-EPRI Proprietary Information." But I'm sure somebody here at the plant has it.

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--- Quote from: GLW on Jul 11, 2014, 11:17 --- almost forgot - provided we are looking for a good answer within an operating nuclear power plant

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--- Quote from: GLW on Jul 11, 2014, 11:17 ---Ratios between beta-gamma and alpha are significant to derived dose.

Here's a good read:

It is 57 pages long, so take a couple of hours to digest it, take reference notes, and between the linked paper and the nine references in the linked paper you will understand and you will have your good answer.


almost forgot - provided we are looking for a good answer within an operating nuclear power plant

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