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Offline Ghettofab75

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Vacation time and shift work?
« on: Jun 30, 2014, 03:39 »
I applied for a job as an entry level nuclear operator at a local plant.  I have a friend that works outages there and he is all ways telling me I need to go work out there.  I'm trying to do my research to see what life as an operator and doing shift work is like.  I don't mean to put the cart before the horse, but one of the questions I haven't seen answered was about vacation time.  Do you get paid vacation when working shift hours, or are you expected to use your week off?  I know this will depend on the utility, but how does this commonly work in the nuclear industry?

Do they typically hold just one interview and then put out offers, or do they do follow up interviews also?  I'm trying to figure out when it would be appropriate to ask questions like this in the hiring process.

Also, do utilities test everyone that applies for a job and then extend interviews to only those that meet test standards, or will they pick and choose from the applicants on who to send to testing?


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Re: Vacation time and shift work?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 30, 2014, 03:51 »
I applied for a job as an entry level nuclear operator at a local plant.  I have a friend that works outages there and he is all ways telling me I need to go work out there.  I'm trying to do my research to see what life as an operator and doing shift work is like.  I don't mean to put the cart before the horse, but one of the questions I haven't seen answered was about vacation time.  Do you get paid vacation when working shift hours, or are you expected to use your week off?  I know this will depend on the utility, but how does this commonly work in the nuclear industry?

Do they typically hold just one interview and then put out offers, or do they do follow up interviews also?  I'm trying to figure out when it would be appropriate to ask questions like this in the hiring process.

Also, do utilities test everyone that applies for a job and then extend interviews to only those that meet test standards, or will they pick and choose from the applicants on who to send to testing?


Prior to getting an interview you will likely have to take the POSS test -,24918.0.html

Then, if you pass that, you will interview -,3488.0.html

Then after you get trained and qualified -,27101.0.html

you will get on shift work -,11224.0.html

there is a long way to go before you get to vacation. This would be a question for the HR people once you get the job offer in hand. you may be in a union position, and they can spell it out exactly for you.

Good luck
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Offline Ghettofab75

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Re: Vacation time and shift work?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 30, 2014, 05:16 »
Hadn't seen your last link.  That does clarify some things.

Just trying to find out if this really is for me before I waste others time testing and interviewing.  It is a union job.



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