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Using the Redirect:

Facilities worked well, although the image was to tight for my screen and I had to scan around to find the facility site.
Upload a picture would not work; would not Browse or recognize files keyed on.
Using Directory kept giving Error message.

I'm using  Windows phone. Hope this info helps. However I have not had problems using the "old" internet site.


--- Quote from: peteshonkwiler on Jul 14, 2014, 10:13 ---I'm using  Windows phone. Hope this info helps. However I have not had problems using the "old" internet site.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the feedback.

Do you have google maps installed on your phone? (Is that even an option availablew to you?)


--- Quote from: Rennhack on Jul 14, 2014, 10:58 ---
Do you have google maps installed on your phone? (Is that even an option availablew to you?)

--- End quote ---
I have Google and AT&T Navigator apps installed, but not Googlemaps as a stand alone.

Try installing Google maps and see if that helps:

Also, what site did you have the issue with, maybe its not the map, maybe my DB has the wrong coordinates.

BV and BAPL were all I tried.

Installed Googlemaps (I needed another app- yay!) and still same situation. Resolution is great. Locator arrow is about a quarter mile off screen. It is just displaying at one click too big for this screen.


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