Career Path > Security, FFD
Security Issues FAQ
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PROBLEM ACTION(S) REQUIRED FOR INDIVIDUAL TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ACCESS DRUG AND ALCOHOL RELATED ISSUES Individual has one or more DUI arrests and/or convictions or any pending DUI arrest: Individual must show up on site with disposition of court case and documentation of any effective chemical dependency evaluation by a Certified Additions Counselor* and/or treatment following each event. Individual has three (3) or more DUI arrests, resolved or unresolved: Individual may not be eligible for unescorted access. Contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arriving on site to process. Individual has a non-nuclear Fitness for Duty violation. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. In order to be approved, contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to showing up on site. Individual has ever been refused or discharged from employment for a violation of a Fitness for Duty Program. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. Approval to be determined by Utility Security Reviewer. Individual has been subjected to a plan for treating substance abuse except for self-referral for treatment over any period of time. Individual must show up on site with documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress on treatment or rehabilitation. Approval to be determined by Utility Security Reviewer. Individual has tested positive for illegal drugs or use of alcohol that resulted in on duty impairment. Individual must provide documentation of a Certified Addictions Counselor’s evaluation, completion/progress of treatment or rehabilitation prior to arriving on site to apply for unescorted access. In order to be approved, contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to showing up on site. PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES Individual requires a clinical interview due to results of the MMPI. Individual must have a clinical interview and the resulting evaluation must be favorable. Utility will set up the appointment and cover the expense of the interview. Individual will be expected to comply with the instructions provided by Security. CRIMINAL HISTORY ISSUES Individual should be prepared to list all arrests (e.g., Criminal Charges, Convictions or Proceedings) since their 18th birthday or since their last unescorted access whether convicted or not convicted. Individuals should list all felony, misdemeanor, traffic or military criminal history to include court martials or non-judicial punishment. This includes guilty pleas and nolle contendere, any suspended sentences, pre-trial diversions, dismissals, nolle prosse, or first offender cases. (Individuals may omit speeding tickets or parking tickets) All alcohol related arrests must be listed. Individual must show up on site with documentation of disposition of court case(s) and may require an interview by Utility Security. Documentation may be required for any arrest outside of the 5 year scope as deemed necessary by the Utility Security Reviewer. Results of fingerprints from the FBI will be received prior to granting Unescorted Access.
MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES Individual has other than “Honorable Discharge” from the Armed Services. Individual must contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer for an interview and supply any additional information required. Individual has been denied access at any nuclear facility over any period of time. Individual must contact Utility Security for an interview prior to individual’s arrival on site and supply any additional information required as appropriate by the Utility Security Reviewer. CONTACT WITH Utility SECURITY REIVEWER REQUIRED Probation, parole or work release. MUST contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site. Individual has any Fitness for Duty violations, nuclear, non-nuclear or a combination of the two. MUST contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site. Individual has any drug related arrests. MUST contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site. Individual has an arrest and/or conviction for the sale, delivery or manufacture of illegal drugs. MUST contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arrival on site. *Certified Addictions Counselors may be found in the yellow pages of your phone book or contact your nearest addictions center or hospital for referral.
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