News and Discussions > Rennhack's Blog
NukeWorker Encryption
--- Quote from: GLW on Sep 14, 2014, 12:47 ---y you tube?
you tube has had issues between 'tp & 'tps in the past,...
what should be the default for you tube going forward?
--- End quote ---
The youtube plugin (feature) won't work with the s in there, you will have to remove that to get it to work. I would put the effort in to fix that, except I plan to update the whole forum software to a newer version after the fall outage season. When I do that, all these 'old' extra's will be lost, and I will need to find 'new' extra's to replace them. It's very likely that the 'new' extra's will work correctly.
Still working on the job board, have a lot of it finished.
I see the maps/facility info section needs some work.
Shop section
Training link is broken
News section
Outage schedule section
Contact Us section
study section
Jobboard to do:
Employer cross network
employer inbox/canned messages
employer inbox/job applications
employer inbox
check all job seeker stuff
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Sep 14, 2014, 03:35 ---Jobboard to do:
Employer cross network
employer inbox/canned messages
employer inbox/job applications
employer inbox
check all job seeker stuff
--- End quote ---
Job board is done except for one page for employers.. that they never use. Going to switch to other pages now.
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Sep 14, 2014, 03:35 ---I see the maps/facility info section needs some work.
--- End quote ---
Maps fixed (ssl wise, I see one of the maps in the faciliy view is broken)
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Sep 14, 2014, 03:35 ---Shop section
Outage schedule section
--- End quote ---
Shop page and Outage schedule page is fixed.
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