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Author Topic: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?  (Read 51196 times)

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I accepted a job with DoE contractor, Bettis Labs, in Pittsburgh, PA in March of 2007.  The HR manager told me I would be brought in on an L level clearance so I could begin working and they would process my Q after I had started.

I submitted SF86, was fingerprinted, and given a physical on April 17 2007. 

Bettis Labs told me my paperwork was sent to the OPM on May 3, 2007.

I met with an investigator May 17th and they in turn did filed interviews with my neighbors, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc. that same week.

I am still waiting to hear back from them on whether or not a clearance has been granted.

Can anyone tell me how long this process normally takes?
Is it possible to bring a candidate in on an L (with restricted access) then continue to process them?


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #1 on: Sep 18, 2007, 07:27 »
6-18 months depending on how many places you have lived.


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #2 on: Sep 18, 2007, 09:06 »
I accepted a job with DoE contractor, Bettis Labs, in Pittsburgh, PA in March of 2007.  The HR manager told me I would be brought in on an L level clearance so I could begin working and they would process my Q after I had started.

I submitted SF86, was fingerprinted, and given a physical on April 17 2007. 

Bettis Labs told me my paperwork was sent to the OPM on May 3, 2007.

I met with an investigator May 17th and they in turn did filed interviews with my neighbors, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc. that same week.

I am still waiting to hear back from them on whether or not a clearance has been granted.

Can anyone tell me how long this process normally takes?
Is it possible to bring a candidate in on an L (with restricted access) then continue to process them?

You can certainly start work with an L-clearance. A Q-clearance is only required for very specific positions at Bettis and KAPL. You need a Q if you work with the super-details of core design, or security, or COMSEC, or operations and a couple of other things. I know that at KAPL, the operations folks start off with L-clearances, and HR starts processing the Q-paperwork when they show up for work. When I started as an NPE at KSO, I had an L-clearance for at least 3 years before they put in my Q-paperwork, but that was a few years ago.

If they haven't called you, give them a ring and (politely) let them know you are anxious to start. If you got hired into the OPS program as a prospective CTE, then they may be waiting to get enough folks to send to Nuclear Power School.

Welcome to Nukeworker, and best of luck at Bettis ;D


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #3 on: Sep 19, 2007, 10:12 »
6-18 months depending on how many places you have lived.

Also, how many times you've been arrested, how many times you filed bankruptcy, your relationship with the IRS, your relationships with "colorful" people (family & friends) and so on.

And the older you are - the harder it is. Lots of history to go through.

At Oak Ridge (K-25) there were tons on 18 to 21 year olds strutting around with white hats (white hat is the tag for 'L' or 'Q' cleared personnel) and us old roadies sported orange hats.

I was there 14 months. I never saw white (see above - I touched them all - the guy who interviewed me didn't want to see me again). Another infamous "NukeWorker" was there much longer than I (they came to see him to interview him (3 times!!!) and he never saw white either.

Bottom line is - it really all depends how bad they want / need you in.

Look at that Chinese National that pumped nuke secrets back to China. He had a 'Q' - he also must of had scary math or computer skills to dish his traitor ass a clearance.

But me, white boy born in the U.S.A.? "Ya'll go right over there and have a seat on that there microscope boy."
« Last Edit: Sep 19, 2007, 10:15 by roadhard »


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #4 on: Sep 20, 2007, 04:42 »
so i guess u didnt really read the final truth of the chinese national- LANL screwed up, nothing was ever proven or could be proven- the lab may have settled with him for an unknown amount of $$$.  when it was all over with he had done less than most p-sappers had done many times.

just keepin it real....


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #5 on: Sep 24, 2007, 10:17 »
Thanks to everyone who posted a reply - I appreciate the info!

I will be working in the IT Department there.  I guess that would be considered part of operations.

I actually did call my HR contact and told her I was very anxious to start.  She said that they never know what the status of the clearance is until it either gets denied or approved.

I guess I'll just continue to wait, not much else I can do...

It's kind of an odd situation though because my current boss was interviewed during the SSBI phase and he keeps asking me what the status is.  How do they expect people to just keep waiting in their current jobs for an indefinite amount of time?

Oh well.  Thanks again all.  Take care.


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #6 on: Sep 24, 2007, 12:21 »
Thanks to everyone who posted a reply - I appreciate the info!

I will be working in the IT Department there.  I guess that would be considered part of operations.

Ah-hah! IT!

If you will be working in IT (which is not operations), then you will probably need a "Q" because you will have access to Communications Security (COMSEC) information. Also, it makes sense to have IT folks with the level of clearance needed to access all of the info in the computer systems.

In that case, you might not be able to start with just an "L", but all you can do is ask.


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #7 on: Sep 25, 2007, 04:52 »
Just wanted to say thanks to you all for replying and helping to answer my questions!

I guess this will be a test for my patience!


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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #8 on: Nov 25, 2009, 01:48 »
I have the same exact time line, only it's two years ahead.

Physical/fingerprints in April 2009
eQip completion in May 2009
Interviews (myself and references) June/July 2009
Adjudication - late July 2009 - present.

teimenosce, I know this is two years old, but when did you get your clearance for Bettis?

Offline Skywarner

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Re: How long does a Q clearance take to get approved?
« Reply #9 on: Oct 14, 2014, 03:55 »
Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Anyone have any feedback on how long typical NRFLO adjudications for DOE-Qs are taking these days? Clean case (at least I think it's clean... O:)). No financial, criminal, drug/alcohol, etc.

First ever clearance, but my hiring manager is really pushing to get me started ASAP. I'm guessing this helps the adjudication process along a little bit, but I honestly don't know.

Any input is welcome. Thx!


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