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Author Topic: What Specific Documentation is needed for Background Investigation?  (Read 8174 times)

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Offline Sparky159

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Hey all,

I have just been referred for my first nuke outage as an electrician.  In the paperwork they have given me it say I have to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this.  I had a bankruptcy back in 2002.  What do I have to provide for this.

Also I have had 2 DUI's (one in 1994 and one in 1999) what documentation do I have to provide for these?

I will be doing my online PHQ sometime in the next few days.  I have no problem disclosing this, just don't know exactly what to have with me when I report.  The job is 2 1/2 hours from my home so I would like to have everything with me.  Any help is greatly appreciated.   Thanks

Offline Rennhack

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I have just been referred for my first nuke outage as an electrician.  In the paperwork they have given me it say I have to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this.  I had a bankruptcy back in 2002.  What do I have to provide for this.

Those are good questions, and you have come to the right place for answers.  In this forum section that you posed this question, there is a FAQ, and a lot of other questions similar to yours.  I have looked at the list of questions like yours, and read them for you, and highlighted the answers for you.  On the first page I found these:

Nervous about my credit
In this day and age it is pretty rare for someone to get denied for credit, but it does happen. The ones I have seen get denied simply on credit alone had high tax liens or judgments of high dollar amounts against them (they were high amounts of money). So I'm sure you will be ok just make sure to give a good explanation why you are in debt and how you plan to resolve that (same reason many people are I would imagine)

Collections from years ago
Credit rarely will hold someone back from gaining access. It has happened but it is usually compounded with something else on the background, or there were lots owed in tax liens or something like that. You should be okay, just give an explanation like you did here.

Credit Issues
Basically all you can do is be upfront and honest about your situation. You need to give a brief summary why you got in the situation or what you do to correct it. Trust me when I say there are plenty of people with credit issues working at nuclear plants. This includes plant managers, site managers, supervisors etc etc. I've only seen a few people get denied for credit issues and this was mostly due to having high amounts of tax liens (100k plus) that weren't paid and show no sort of repayment efforts. In this economy there are plenty of people with bad credit. Just be honest.

credit report ?
We don't even look at the credit score whatsoever. In fact it doesn't even show up on the credit reports we pull. The biggest thing they are looking for as far as credit goes is a lack of repayment for a long period of a time, tax liens, judgments, anything owed to the government is going to hurt your chances. It's just according I mean I have seen people with 100k in tax liens get in but they just had to prove they were making payments towards getting it paid down. However, if you have had the same debt over the past 5 years and you haven't attempted to pay any then that hurts your chances as well. When you fill out paperwork there is a credit section and you can give a credit statement as to why you have gotten behind. (Medical reason, out of work, whatever the case may be) Very rarely does anyone get denied for credit in our fleet. Again it is mostly for tax liens if there are denials.

Also I have had 2 DUI's (one in 1994 and one in 1999) what documentation do I have to provide for these?

Did you read our FAQ?  It has a lot of answers (credit is such a non-issue, it's not even mentioned in our FAQ):

Security Issues FAQ

One or more DUI arrests and/or convictions or any pending DUI arrest: Individual must show up on site with disposition of court case and documentation of any effective chemical dependency evaluation by a Certified Additions Counselor and/or treatment following each event.

Also, be advised of their 3 strike rule:

Individual has three (3) or more DUI arrests, resolved or unresolved:  Individual may not be eligible for unescorted access. Contact the appropriate Utility Security Reviewer prior to arriving on site to process.
« Last Edit: Sep 13, 2014, 11:19 by Rennhack »

Offline Sparky159

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I read the FAQ's  none of the examples or any of the ones I read deal with the paper I was given telling me to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this?

"give a summary" "provide explanation" does not describe the DOCUMENTATION OF CLEARED RECEIPT I am told to provide.  I do not want to be hours away from home without copies of paperwork I was told to show up with.  I am just trying to clarify what paperwork can prove that.  If your answer means I need none that is fine, but nowhere did you say that, and I would hate to assume it and not have what I need.

Offline HydroDave63

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I read the FAQ's  none of the examples or any of the ones I read deal with the paper I was given telling me to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this?

"give a summary" "provide explanation" does not describe the DOCUMENTATION OF CLEARED RECEIPT I am told to provide.  I do not want to be hours away from home without copies of paperwork I was told to show up with.  I am just trying to clarify what paperwork can prove that.  If your answer means I need none that is fine, but nowhere did you say that, and I would hate to assume it and not have what I need.

Then why not ask the very people that sent you the paperwork?

Offline Rennhack

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I read the FAQ's  none of the examples or any of the ones I read deal with the paper I was given telling me to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this? "give a summary" "provide explanation" does not describe the DOCUMENTATION OF CLEARED RECEIPT I am told to provide.  I do not want to be hours away from home without copies of paperwork I was told to show up with.  I am just trying to clarify what paperwork can prove that.  If your answer means I need none that is fine, but nowhere did you say that, and I would hate to assume it and not have what I need.

Perhaps you should contact the person that gave you the paperwork and ask them for clarification. 

You need to provide something in writing (documentation) that proves you have taken care of (cleared) your issue/what you owe (receipt).  You need to take the paperwork you were given that proves you have everything addressed.  What is that documentation called?  I don't  know what they gave you, I've never bad a bankruptcy.  Bring everything you have that addresses the issue.

Good luck


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I read the FAQ's  none of the examples or any of the ones I read deal with the paper I was given telling me to provide "Documentation of cleared receipt of negative credit history (i.e. Bankruptcy, Pending Medical Bills on credit report, etc.)"  What do they mean by this?

"give a summary" "provide explanation" does not describe the DOCUMENTATION OF CLEARED RECEIPT I am told to provide.  I do not want to be hours away from home without copies of paperwork I was told to show up with.  I am just trying to clarify what paperwork can prove that.  If your answer means I need none that is fine, but nowhere did you say that, and I would hate to assume it and not have what I need.

In other words when your bankruptcy is discharged you get a document from the court saying so. So that would be the document you need to provide. If you don't have it the courthouse will

Offline Sparky159

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Thank you.


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