Career Path > Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Degree?


I am currently a student at Columbia southern university getting by bachelors degree in Occupational Health and Safety.  I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the school, and/or the degree and could give me some insight as to the types of positions I could get with the degree.  I am a Sr. RCT on a D&D project and I am just curious where my career path might lead with my degree??

retired nuke:
No experience with anyone from your school - but I have worked with graduates from Keene State that are in nuclear. One is a Safety Coordinator / Superintendent at a nuclear site - she has been out of school <10 yrs, smart, and was in the right place at the right time. The other is a Safety Coordinator for a major nuclear contracting company - travels a lot, very smart kid, only out of school a few years, but doing very well.
Another friend is a Safety / IH / Hazmat supv at local VA facility. He completed a masters in IH.

With a bachelors, you are able to take (with experience) the CSP exam. Also OHST / CHST. Both certs can get your foot in the door.

Bottom line - paper gets you started. Once you are there, if you know your stuff, you will do well. If you don't - you will be wandering construction sites at laborer pay telling people to put on their safety glasses and hardhats.

Good luck

Great information.. Thanks for sharing..

I work with several individuals who have received their degree from this school.  I am a civilian employee of the US Army as are these individuals as well as a Warrant Officer who is also taking the OHS degree from CSU.

I never heard of this college prior to this employment but it appears to be accepted by the government who look for a college degree.

With that, note that the Trump has just put in for a hiring freeze but that should not stop you from looking at website and occupational series 0018 for Safety and Occupational Health Specialist or 0089 Emergency Management.  Another upcoming one is 0017 Explosive Safety.

All of these are under the Career Program (CP) 12 which is designed to take the entry level person and give them Army training in a structured curriculum in addition to the formal education.  There is a Safety Intern program as well which can bring you in as well.  Also, effective 31 May 17, I will be retiring from my health physics position (1306 series) and there is a physical science specialist (series 1311) which can get you at a Navy shipyard as a technician.

Contact me offline at for additional information.


I received my Bachelor Degree from Columbia Southern University. It was one of the best moves I made, since accepting ELT School in 1980. I had all the certs previously: OHST,CHST, OSHA 500. I stayed gainfully employed. When I earned the BS degree, my job offers, came more often and with a higher $$ amount. I am now in renewables(solar). In this solar arena, it seems they are looking for OSHA 500 certified people more than degreed people. Not for training, but because of contract requirements. The $$ is less in solar, but North Carolina is only second to California in solar mw. So to stay employed, and not live out of a suitcase, the lower wages does me fine.


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