Though I have extremely limited experience in this, I did just finish an internship at a Duke power plant, and I had to deal with a prior incident delaying my Unescorted Access approval. Here are some of things I learned from it:
I had 2 people get sent away from a nuclear power facility because they either failed to disclose or didn't disclose fully the details of their situation.
1. Be totally honest.
2. Get all the documentation you can pertaining to your case.
3. Use a phone number that can be reached at all times. (I had a guy get passed over for a job because he hadnt cleaned out his voice mail)
Those 3 things pretty much nail it.
1. I bought an FBI background check on myself to ensure there were no surprises and to also ensure my questionnaire responses matched what the company would see when they pulled my records. Be honest... don't try hiding something or skimming details because if and when they find it, you're likely looking at a denial of access for x number of years.
2. I didn't realize I needed to submit documentation pertaining to the case and final adjudication. When I was doing my processing, no one asked for it, and I didn't think to give it to them. It was only after I showed up to the plant that I was told I wasn't cleared to start work that day.
3. I did get into the plant 2 days later (on an escorted visitor badge a.k.a adult babysitting) and thus had no cell phone signal. Upon leaving, I got a voicemail from the individual handling my case asking if I had any documentation because they weren't able to get anything from the courts. I happened to have a saved .pdf of the dismissal in my email which I sent him. Viola! I had unescorted access the following day.
No two situations are the same, and no two utilities are the same in terms of what they will accept in terms of prior incidents. From what I've gathered, the time elapsed since and the nature of the incident are two of the biggest determining factors.I won't judge you because I've been in your shoes and it's counterproductive at this stage; you'll have someone else doing the judging soon enough. The advice from btkeele is sage. Get yourself into a treatment program, have the SA eval done, and save the documentation from all. You case will need to be finalized and any probationary periods complete before they'll give you a shot. Good luck to you.