Career Path > Resume & Interview
Duke Energy HR Contact?
Good afternoon! I applied for a NEO position with Duke at Southport / Brunswick a few weeks ago. I'm all for giving HR people adequate time to sift through mountains of applications, but, at some point, I'll want to contact the HR department for information. Trouble is, HR dept. contact numbers don't seem to be in the public domain. That, or my Google-fu is weak. I've called the normal customer service numbers a couple times, but the representatives wouldn't transfer me or give me the numbers. And yes, I tried the search functions... I'd much appreciate direct numbers to Duke HR if the sharing of such info is not expressly prohibited by company policy. Thanks for all the great info here!
have you tried going through indeed? I started my search in mid October and have found many recruiters and connected with them. There's also a decent handful of them on there, i have one of their corp recruiters in my profile.
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