Very good exposition on the state of the business. I am a little farther down the road, I found myself being congratulated for having a questioning attitude at jobs, then seeing shifting the work to other RP's techs who aren't as vocal about the rules. I will give one safety example of many. We all have had confined space training and know when you are in a confined space you are supposed to have had the space air checked, a monitor at the entrance logging people in and out, and ventilation if you aren't continuously monitoring the space. At Duane Arnold, day shift, I was an RP in the turbine building. I noticed a big group of new techs were about to enter the condenser and I had to ask: Where is the outside monitor, how are you in communication to those inside, where is the personnel log, and the sign either saying non-permitted or permitted confined space. None of this was being done and I was a pain to them (They were not directly in my work area), but I couldn't live with myself if someone died. They eventually stopped the work long enough to follow the rules while I was around. I was made to feel I was the nervous nelly for simply wanting to enforce OSHA laws, such as "Mind your own business RP!" People who enforce safety. let alone RP practices, are fought. I don't see any documentation of free releases, breaches of contaminated systems etc. It is just production, production and cross your fingers nobody gets hurt.
For the OP and his ilk; a different perspective and personal career history:
I have rarely been congratulated for having a questioning attitude,...
I have been recognized for identifying a demonstrable challenge, researching the fiducial technical points and documents which assure it is a demonstrable challenge, and providing one or more plausible solutions to the challenge,...
My methods for stopping jobs or identifying challenges have never resulted in other colleagues having to shoulder more burden to keep me out of the mix up, indeed, I have ended up with additional collateral duties foisted upon me because I have a good eye for detail and an appreciation for constructive ways to keep things moving as opposed to shutting them down,...
And I embraced those collateral duties even when my compensation rate remained static, because I enjoy most every facet of my vocation and I like to gain better skills and different skills all the time,...
I refrain from embarrassing any group of guys with multiple questions about what they should have been doing and what they know better than to try and do, and to impress them with what I know about what they're doing, because we've all been through GET and CBT and CST and we all know what we should do,.... ergo, the multiple questions interrogation routine is never really a good team builder,...
Stop a job because it's wrong, get the cog supervisor on the floor to fix the job then move on to your job as quickly, drama free and "just business" like as possible,...
The "I couldn't live with myself should someone have died" histrionics are transparent to everybody involved, and nobody likes it, or likes that a person does it,... ergo, other people avoid it (the histrionics),...
20% of most work groups are a problem for everybody else for everything else, if your job is compliance monitoring and intervention (e.g. job coverage RP), that 20% will focus on you as the bane of all things productive and progressive,...
If you can't hack that 20% challenging your very existence on the work site (and they do) you're in the wrong line of work, or at least the wrong aspect of RP work when that aspect includes interaction and intervention on the deck plate level,...
For the OP and his ilk;
The best job coverage RPs follow the Andy Griffith archetype,...
The worst job coverage RPs think they are SWAT,...
If you need me to elaborate,...PM me,...
for the record; do not get into the habit of associating place names with compliance issues on social media outlets,...
If you need me to elaborate,...PM me,...
your friendly neighborhood cheerleader for all things RP (except those ALARA freaks

almost forgot,...
[4beercourt - (sic)]
plus edits for removing absolute(s) - absolutes should not be used blithely - my bad