Concerning the MMPI, in my opinion if you don't see the shrink you didn't answer truthfully.
There is so much wrong with that statement.
As said above the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is not a pass/fail test, i.e., fail or pass go to the 'shrink'!
If you initially fit the profile of what the employer is looking for then it goes forward.
The reasons for seeing the shrink:
a): You don't fit the normal profile for the position,
b): Your number came up, as in random D/A screening,
c): There are major discrepancies in your answers (caught by computer scoring, very seldom by humans!
There are many questions to which only the original authors (or the folks that revised it) know what the expected response is/was!
The first time I had to see the 'shrink' was when I didn't answer a question, I wrote my answer on the answer sheet. The question, "Do you love your mother"? My mother had passed away two weeks before! The 'shrink' knew what I was saying. The other times I hit the random drawing!