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Offline curiusguy

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Denied unescorted access, what now?
« on: Jan 09, 2015, 04:37 »
I was recently denied unescorted access to a nuke plant with Exelon. The guy that told me made it seem like it was not that big of a deal and that I could reapply in a year and will likely get access as long as I do what they tell me. First, how likely is it that I will get access a year from now? Second, will this come up if I apply to work at a non-nuclear power plant?


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Re: Denied unescorted access, what now?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 10, 2015, 01:04 »
You should find out what the "GUY" really meant when he made it seem like it was no big deal. Really, if it wasn't a big deal you would be working there now wouldn't you? if you wait for a year to "reapply" you may miss the opportunity to explain in clear detail why they may have come to the conclusion they came to.

 If its related to FFD you could ask to talk to the MRO (Medical Review Officer) or if its security related you could petition to talk to the head of security about the specifics. Learn what it was that kept you from being gainfully employed.

More than likely the information is now on PADS, and it will be a red flag for your clearance at ANY other nuclear facility.

My advice is to find out as much as you can and go from there. I'm not sure about non-nuclear plants and what there protocols are.



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Re: Denied unescorted access, what now?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 10, 2015, 05:08 »
If you were only denied for 1 year then you will more than likely have no issues getting back in. Most 1 year denials fall under a failure to list type situation. Not all, just most. Regardless after the year is up try again. Just make sure you list the denial of course. If you go to work at a DOE/Govt facility it could possibly come up but I doubt it would come anywhere else.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Denied unescorted access, what now?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 11, 2015, 09:04 »
yeah, watt they said. if you where denied n don't know why, then yule probably get denied again, or elsewhere, oar both.
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