Career Path > Resume & Interview
Interview for internship for upcoming outage
Hello all:
I am currently seeking an internship as an NLO at a local commercial plant for an upcoming outage. We have interviews coming up and I want to stand out from the rest. I know there will be behavioral type questions asked and I have been preparing myself for those. But, I wanted to know what type of questions are appropriate to ask the interviewer at the end. One I came up with was: If I was offered this internship, how would you measure my success, and what could I do to exceed your expectations? I don't want to come off as over confident or brash.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Questions that can help an interviewee stand out (I've been on either side of the table) are questions that demonstrate that the interviewee has spent some time researching the position being filled AND the company. A question like "where can *I* be in 5 years?" can sound self-centered to some interviewers, but a question such as "where is the company seeing growth, and how would this position fit in?" sounds a lot more like a team player with initiative.
Thank you!
Also, what about touching on topics such as my education and back ground?
--- Quote from: Trish024 on Feb 11, 2015, 01:45 ---Thank you!
Also, what about touching on topics such as my education and back ground?
--- End quote ---
The interview panel definitely should ask, and at that point describe your education and background. Try to relate that background in a manner that matches the skills sought. Keep it conversational, not a 10 second burst, not a 10 minute dissertation, optimally 2-3 minutes.
I have my Bachelor of Science in Biology and now I am pursuing an AA in Nuclear Technology. How can I describe my education without sounding like the AA is a fall back plan because it is not. I was going to lead with I received my BS in Biology but toward the end of my undergraduate studies I realized I wanted to do something more technical but still in the science field.
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