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Author Topic: Unescorted Access at Oconee,SC  (Read 4959 times)

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Offline corray4345

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Unescorted Access at Oconee,SC
« on: Mar 10, 2015, 08:06 »
I have already received an offer letter from the contractor I will be working for down in Oconee. I have disclosed all my history as far as a DWI I was convicted of in 2010. I have had a couple of speeding tickets prior to that as well as other traffic violations that were dismissed. I even have a letter from my lawyer signed by him stating if they have any questions to contact him. I haven't had any infractions since the summer of 2010. My contractor recruiter stated she doesn't see this being a problem but I could go and do training at Duke's training facility to get my badge and then be denied. I will pass the drug and alcohol test that is pending in the process as well. I'm just very anxious being that I got this far and my young irresponsibility's will catch up with me. I don't even drink anymore and have a wife, a 2 year year old and one on the way. I'm 27 years old. Just wondering if anyone could give me some insight and if you think I'll get denied? I really appreciate it.

Offline SloGlo

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Re: Unescorted Access at Oconee,SC
« Reply #1 on: Mar 11, 2015, 05:14 »
if you have been honest, upfront, and not failed to disclosed any information you will probably be fine. their is always a chance of denial, but most of those originate from security perceiving misleading, deceptive, or inaccurate answers. security will match your stated record against a f.b.i. sheet on you. if it matches and they're no loose ends you should get your clearance.
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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Unescorted Access at Oconee,SC
« Reply #2 on: Mar 11, 2015, 03:01 »
I have disclosed all my history as far as a DWI I was convicted of in 2010. I have had a couple of speeding tickets prior to that as well as other traffic violations that were dismissed. I even have a letter from my lawyer signed by him stating if they have any questions to contact him. I haven't had any infractions since the summer of 2010.

They will ask if the judge required you to take counseling or pay a fine.  Then they will ask for proof that you did what the judge ordered. They understand that people make mistakes.  What they look for is how you dealt with the mistake.


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