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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #125 on: Mar 14, 2014, 07:26 »
I, for one, am glad we got rid of the guy asking questions - I am so tired of people asking questions.  On a forum.  In a thread with "entry level" in the subject line.  I will NOT let this industry be taken over by curious people.  Thanks to all who helped in this endeavor.  Wish I could have been here for the kill shot.   ::)

Good job,

Offline Smilin' Joe Fission

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #126 on: Mar 14, 2014, 10:16 »
UncaBuffalo, thank you for the kind words and for the advice!

Offline sc_nuke

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #127 on: Apr 06, 2014, 10:20 »

In order to keep additional threads on nukeworker I decided to post this here and get some advice.  Like the person who made the original post I have a B.S. in Physics and would like to get into Operations.  I would like to get into one of the following plants: Oconee, Catawba, McGuire, Votgle, V.C. Summer.  I have experience conducting PWR Refueling and Refueling Equipment Maintenance.  If there is any advice you guys have on what those plants look for in hiring operations personnel that can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

Offline icebergamot

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #128 on: Apr 07, 2014, 03:35 »

In order to keep additional threads on nukeworker I decided to post this here and get some advice.  Like the person who made the original post I have a B.S. in Physics and would like to get into Operations.  I would like to get into one of the following plants: Oconee, Catawba, McGuire, Votgle, V.C. Summer.  I have experience conducting PWR Refueling and Refueling Equipment Maintenance.  If there is any advice you guys have on what those plants look for in hiring operations personnel that can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

I was just hired on as an AO for one of the mentioned plants. My credentials:

BS: NE, decent grades
RO at a "complex" research reactor

Can you elaborate on your PWR refuel experience? That would probably be your experience to harp on.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #129 on: Apr 08, 2014, 03:01 »
My Refuel experience includes: Head Area Maintenance (HAM), Reactor Disassembly/Reassembly, Fuel Movement, Insert Shuffles, CRDM Refurb.  I also have experience with Long Handle tooling refurbishment and maintenance.  If you want to know more details I can PM them to you.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #130 on: Apr 08, 2014, 08:07 »
I'd think you'd have a good shot at AO but I'm not exactly an authority

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #131 on: Apr 08, 2014, 08:38 »
I'd think you'd have a good shot at AO but I'm not exactly an authority

I agree.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

Offline sc_nuke

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #132 on: Apr 08, 2014, 09:19 »
I've got open applications at Oconee and V.C. Summer, so I will see what happens and keep checking the job postings.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #133 on: Apr 15, 2014, 10:59 »
As far as I know, all Duke AO new hires start in two-three weeks.


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #134 on: Nov 02, 2014, 01:06 »
I just graduated (may 2014) with a bachelors in physics, I have been doing research with a professor who has her PhD in nuclear physics since my freshman year, I studied abroad in Taipei for 2 months over the summer my junior year. I worked at a local natural gas plant during 3 outages over a 2 year span as an EMT, I am an eagle scout and volunteer firefighter/EMT. I presented 8 different research projects some talks and some posters I at various student symposiums.

 I have had 2 offers at nuclear power plants since graduating, one for an engineering position which didn't work out due to UA problems at that plant and I just received an offer a few days ago for an associate operator position for a different company's plant. Whether or not the previous security issue will give me problems with this plant is yet to be seen. A good friend of mine who graduated with me and also studied physics and did research with me just accepted an engineering position at a different plant. There are jobs out there, look at your resume and try to make yourself stand out, the things I mentioned about myself were all brought up during my interviews and no doubt helped me get noticed in the first place.

From what I've been told a lot of guys are retiring, there are jobs out there you just have to keep trying. And don't be too cocky when it comes to the entrance exams, I passed my first time but I defiantly prepared for them.

Offline Buinovsky

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #135 on: Dec 01, 2014, 11:20 »

You speak in the fashion as an egomaniac I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting from SQN - xxxxxxxxx.  Assuming you are not this piece of detritus, it must be remarked you are as big into personal puffery.  You did nothing to help the new generation like nuclear power.  Most new engineers in our company leave due to pompous egos like your own.  Exalting the Navy is buffoonery at this point and time -- it isn't the same program.  I watch your Navy stalwarts crash and fail as much as new engineers.

You are living on a submarine in the commercial world.  You chase away talent - not recruit it.  If TVA had a sane hiring practice they would not be running a fleet of nukes with INPO having private parking spots. I am aware SQN achieved a 1 rating; however, they are not without NRC finding.  Flooding come to mind.  Where were you?  Blustering in Work Control patting yourself on the back?

Before you impugn me like the young man inquiring, I have held two SROs, been a division manager, shift manager, Assistant Ops manager, hired and fired, and now oversee building and test reactors in China.  

You are what is wrong with nuclear power.  You belittle to raise your station.  

Modified for Forum Rule #7
« Last Edit: Dec 02, 2014, 12:41 by HydroDave63 »

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #136 on: Dec 02, 2014, 08:18 »
Before you impugn me like the young man inquiring
You are what is wrong with nuclear power.  You belittle to raise your station. 

Broadzilla has been banned for over a year, so he won't be responding to you.  As bad as he was, your post is a personal attack and is just as bad as anything he ever said.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #137 on: Dec 02, 2014, 09:19 »
the irony of peas in a pod is that the pod never seems big enough for just one more pea,...

not here:


not there:


not anywhere:

« Last Edit: Dec 02, 2014, 09:23 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline Buinovsky

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #138 on: Dec 03, 2014, 11:39 »
Challenging an individual who has outwardly belittled new talent seeking a job in the nuclear industry does not merit the silly botanical illustrations or remarks purporting equivalence of my statements to Broadzilla's bashing of the original poster.  I met his disdain with equal amount of pique Broadzilla fleshed upon the seeker of an inroad to nuclear power.  Bullies, like Broadzilla are a detriment to recruiting new, fresh minds, to this challenged industry.  In retrospect, I could have refrained from terms like detritus, yet, spilling my CV was a way to circumvent BZ's way of obfuscating an argument by citing his CV and apparent expertise in the nuclear industry.  The most able workforce I have yet to encounter lives in nuclear power.  The most challenged workforce I have yet to encounter works in nuclear power.  Empower to make change not ask co-workers to pillage peers on the grounds of out-of-date checklists.

Offline _NukeOps_

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #139 on: Dec 04, 2014, 12:11 »

I just completed an 18 month Non Licensed Operator program at my plant.  14 began and 12 finished.  5 guys were new hires who had, at minimum, a BS degree in engineering or engineering technology.  Everyone else, myself included came by way of union bid rights.  Everyone except me had two years of experience in the entry level Nuclear Technician position.  In years past this was called helper or laborer.  I had 10 years with the company at the time and was a Senior Chemistry Technician. 

As part of the program we were required to pass a non published GFES exam.

I said all of that to say this:

My company sees entry into the NLO program as the beginning of a 5 year path to a Reactor Operator License.  Therefore, anyone attempting to hire into this position from the street should not be shy about expressing a desire to obtain a license.  Successful candidates from the street will most likely have an engineering degree.  This is due to the emphasis that INPO places on said degrees.  All that the NRC requires for NLO or RO, for that matter, is a high school diploma. 

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #140 on: Dec 04, 2014, 03:15 »
Challenging an individual........

Literally 14 seconds of research would have demonstrated it has been greater than 250 days since your target engaged or disparaged anybody,...

your target is yesterday's news,...

you are many days late and many more dollars short on the B'zilla topic,...

....The most challenged workforce I have yet to encounter works in nuclear power....

too often challenged to yak first and research later,....

it's called a God complex,...

unfortunately, there are those control room gods who (whom?) have no sense of self deprecation or humor, either before or after the fact,...

.... In retrospect, I could have refrained from terms like detritus, yet, spilling my CV was a way to circumvent BZ's way of obfuscating an argument by citing his CV and apparent expertise in the nuclear industry. ....

it's the "I'm right at all costs" mentality,...

peas in a pod, I stand by my assessment,...
« Last Edit: Dec 04, 2014, 03:22 by GLW »

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline nspunx4

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #141 on: Dec 05, 2014, 10:55 »
Unfortunately some of us found BZ to be one of the most knowledgeable and most willing to share that knowledge and in my opinion even with his so called "bad attitude" at times I feel this forum is not better without his participation. For what it's worth.

I do understand this is a privately owned site and Renhack has every right to ban anyone he wants. I only bring this up now because he did and it is purely my personal opinion. It also in no way diminishes my appreciation for this site and it's owner for making it available.

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #142 on: Dec 06, 2014, 12:16 »
Unfortunately some of us found BZ to be one of the most knowledgeable and most willing to share that knowledge and in my opinion even with his so called "bad attitude" at times I feel this forum is not better without his participation. For what it's worth.

I do understand this is a privately owned site and Renhack Rennhack has every right to ban anyone he wants. I only bring this up now because he did and it is purely my personal opinion. It also in no way diminishes my appreciation for this site and it's owner for making it available.

You are not far wrong but personal bias and continual belittling of new posters and nuclear neophytes does not match the purposes of the site. BZ could have been an excellent mentor and source of information and was frequently, but he was also the Balrog that only the the more experienced posters were prepared for.


4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.'s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.

Continued violation of these rules will get you deleted/banned. I have a one strike and you're out policy in regard to anything obscene or totally offensive. In most cases you will be warned (put on 'probation') and given a chance to play by the rules. Again, use a little common sense and you'll be just fine.


BZ was a repeat offender.
« Last Edit: Dec 06, 2014, 05:37 by Marlin »

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #143 on: Dec 06, 2014, 04:58 »
...... but he was also the Balrog that only the the more experienced posters were prepared for....


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #144 on: Dec 06, 2014, 06:06 »
but he was also the Balrog that only the the more experienced posters were prepared for.

Maybe more of an inner Uruk Hai....

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #145 on: Dec 06, 2014, 06:38 »
Maybe more of an inner Uruk Hai....

and then there is BZ'sGenOb01 which tends to repeat & repeat & repeat,....

BZ's general observation on Internet forums/threads etal, By the 5th post in any thread it starts drifting off topic. By 12 to 15 it has nothing to do with the original topic and if it surives to 30 or so it magically gets back on topic. This applies almost everywhere.


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #146 on: Dec 07, 2014, 08:14 »
Unfortunately some of us found BZ to be one of the most knowledgeable and most willing to share that knowledge and in my opinion even with his so called "bad attitude" at times I feel this forum is not better without his participation. For what it's worth.

Agree x10.

Offline dch0806

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Re: Physics Degree & Entry level Operator
« Reply #147 on: Mar 20, 2015, 04:15 »
For what it's worth, I'm new to the nuclear industry and thought I would share my experience in case it might help someone who reads this thread and is contemplating the nuclear industry/operator position.

Personally, I went through a community college program that is sponsored by a major utility in our area. Our course work consisted of everything from entry level physics and chemistry, up to reactor theory and kinetics and engineering level thermodynamics/fluid mechanics. Over the course of our two year program we had four "nuclear" classes. Two of which focused on theory and more of the primary systems, the other two were more mechanical concepts and secondary side. In those four classes, most of our handouts and study guides were from the utility and are used in their training at the local plant. Between the first and second year, in order to get your degree you must complete a summer internship. The idea is to do your internship with the utility, although some choose not to take that route (I strongly discourage this choice). I chose to do my internship with the utility and it was awesome. I worked on shift for three months, following all rounds and pretty much trying to see whatever I could and absorb as much information as possible. The course work in the program is not easy, and to call the internship an "eye-opening experience" would be a huge understatement.

As of now, I am scheduled to graduate in May with an associates in nuclear technology, have passed the POSSC and have an interview for an AO position (at the plant I interned in) next week.

A few observations I have had:
Although BZ was considered harsh, a lot of what he said is true in my experience. These companies owe you nothing. Operator positions are highly sought after jobs that require continuous training and carry a great deal of responsibility, and they invest a lot of assets into the hiring to process to ensure they get quality candidates. I have heard there are anywhere from 1200-1500 applicants per operator position posted, and they try to pull from one-third Navy/one-third technical(me)/one-third four year, not including internal applicants. I personally racked my nerves waiting on phone calls and emails after I applied for the internship, and the AO position, because I want it so bad and understand how competitive it is. When they called, they had an answer from me within seconds about whatever they were offering, which was an emphatic yes. After talking with multiple people from contractors to maintenance to everyone I can basically in the industry, I understand that I have been very privileged with my opportunity and will say that operator positions are great jobs that pay well (very well in my opinion) and have a low turnover rate. Again, this makes the market for landing a job VERY competitive, so check your ego at the job board.

As far as the culture, it is not filled with a bunch of jerks by any means. Everyone on my shift during my internship from unqualified AO's up to SRO's and beyond were very helpful, genuinely cared for my safety and are a major reason I have been successful in my program so far. BUT: This is a very serious job, it is not an easy job and everyone in the operations department has busted their tail and put in a lot of work to get where they are. Some have applied for 5 years to get there so, yes, you do have to prove yourself. When you're on shift you are one big team that relies heavily on communication and teamwork and you spend a lot of time with each other, so a "me" attitude will not get you anywhere. As an intern, I wasn't called "noob" or "snowflake" (that may change if I get hired as an AO but in that case they can call me whatever they want because I'll be lucky to be there), but I think what BZ was trying to get across is everyone works hard in operations and they want to make sure the guy beside them is as equally committed and serious.

I hope that my experiences can answer some questions and help anyone who is trying to make the nuclear industry a career.


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