Reference, Questions and Help > Nuclear Software

Looking for a Software for Rad Waste Shipping and Accountability


I need a software (online or installed) to maintain my current Rad Waste container inventory as well as track activity contents (ie: curies/ mCuries). It need to have the following:

1) Ability to show a current physical inventory
2) Ability to show current curie count
3) Provide Barcoding capabilities for easy shipping and receiving


Smart People:

retired nuke:

--- Quote from: sdarnell on Feb 27, 2015, 02:47 ---I need a software (online or installed) to maintain my current Rad Waste container inventory as well as track activity contents (ie: curies/ mCuries). It need to have the following:

1) Ability to show a current physical inventory
2) Ability to show current curie count
3) Provide Barcoding capabilities for easy shipping and receiving


--- End quote ---

Really - "Go" ??
How about asking nicely to your peers, instead of a list of requirements and "Go"
Smart People gave you the best in the business. If you want a spreadsheet, you can sit down and make that yourself in a few hours. If Acess is your thing, it would work even better (I struggle with Access myself...)
Good luck. Play nicer...


--- Quote from: HouseDad on Mar 03, 2015, 07:54 ---Really - "Go" ??
Good luck. Play nicer...

--- End quote ---

Vermont, house job, and Fatherhood has made you so sensitive.  Not the Snake of old.  ;)


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