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Author Topic: Where did the 10 years all go!  (Read 5258 times)

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Where did the 10 years all go!
« on: Apr 09, 2015, 07:51 »
Today I was looking for a discussion on the Molten Salt reactors and discovered that it had been moved to the Gold Member Section.  In my search for the topic I also noticed that I joined on April 10, 2005.  I am surprised at how quickly the last decade passed by.

In the last 10 years I went from being a college grad to Reactor Operator.  I started my nuke career on July 25, 2005 as an AO.  I took the written portion of my NRC exam on July 20, 2009 which is 4 days short of working in the industry for 4 years.  This quarter will be my last with an active license because I accepted a new job in Lisle, IL.

I can only imagine how much will change for nuclear power in the next decade. I have run the nuclear gauntlet for 10 years in Operations.  I believe that nuclear power is our country's energy future.  We are just waiting for America to figure it out.  We just have to keep working safely until that day comes.

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #1 on: Apr 09, 2015, 09:20 »
Today I was looking for a discussion on the Molten Salt reactors and discovered that it had been moved to the Gold Member Section.  In my search for the topic I also noticed that I joined on April 10, 2005.  I am surprised at how quickly the last decade passed by.

In the last 10 years I went from being a college grad to Reactor Operator.  I started my nuke career on July 25, 2005 as an AO.  I took the written portion of my NRC exam on July 20, 2009 which is 4 days short of working in the industry for 4 years.  This quarter will be my last with an active license because I accepted a new job in Lisle, IL.

I can only imagine how much will change for nuclear power in the next decade. I have run the nuclear gauntlet for 10 years in Operations.  I believe that nuclear power is our country's energy future.  We are just waiting for America to figure it out.  We just have to keep working safely until that day comes.

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #2 on: Apr 10, 2015, 09:48 »
Today I was looking for a discussion on the Molten Salt reactors and discovered that it had been moved to the Gold Member Section.  In my search for the topic I also noticed that I joined on April 10, 2005.  I am surprised at how quickly the last decade passed by.

In the last 10 years I went from being a college grad to Reactor Operator.  I started my nuke career on July 25, 2005 as an AO.  I took the written portion of my NRC exam on July 20, 2009 which is 4 days short of working in the industry for 4 years.  This quarter will be my last with an active license because I accepted a new job in Lisle, IL.

I can only imagine how much will change for nuclear power in the next decade. I have run the nuclear gauntlet for 10 years in Operations.  I believe that nuclear power is our country's energy future.  We are just waiting for America to figure it out.  We just have to keep working safely until that day comes.

Are you still going to be in the nuclear industry? I'm always curious as to what kind of jobs people pursue when leaving this industry.


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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #3 on: Apr 10, 2015, 11:50 »
I will still be in the nuclear industry.  I will not be working for a Utility  ;).
« Last Edit: Apr 10, 2015, 11:51 by Nutty Neutron »

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #4 on: Apr 10, 2015, 02:15 »
...... I have run the nuclear gauntlet for 10 years in Operations.  I believe that nuclear power is our country's energy future.  We are just waiting for America to figure it out.....

some have been waiting for 30+ years,...

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #5 on: Apr 10, 2015, 03:32 »
... or even 40+.

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #6 on: Apr 11, 2015, 10:47 »
I will still be in the nuclear industry.  I will not be working for a Utility  ;).

Offline OldHP

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Re: Where did the 10 years all go!
« Reply #7 on: Apr 13, 2015, 12:32 »
... or even 40+. :old:

Not quite 40+, but close!  Those canceled/stopped pre TMI were primarily for financial reasons.  Post TMI several were halted due to the "not in my back yard" reaction.  I'd still live nest to a Nuke as apposed to a coal burner!   :old:'er
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