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Offline Matticus

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Upcoming interview with Exelon
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:55 »
I have a job interview with Exelon later this month. It is for a direct hire SRO position. This is my first job interview ever. Navy and KFC are my only employment history. I don't know what to wear, dont know what to expect at all. It is a 3 day process, with testing, interview, and more interview. Do I wear a suit everyday? Should I really have three suits for this? I am sure someone here has done this interview before.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2015, 12:28 »
Google behavior based interview.  Look for "tell me a time when..."

Offline MMM

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2015, 03:05 »
You should be able to ask the HR rep you're working with. When I interviewed with Exelon last year, business casual for the first two days (testing) and I wore a suit to the actual interview.

Hopefully you've been practicing for the BMST and POSS exams. You can either search this site for testing info or get it from the HR rep. Believe it or not, they're taking the time to interview you, they will help you succeed. The FLS (First Line Supervisor) test isn't something you can study for, and most people won't give you too much info about it, as the company asks interviewees not to. I will say if you were ever a WCS or LPO, it should be fairly easy, just a lot of writing.

Like Rennhack said, the questions will be behavioral based, and you should have gotten a packet about that as well, if not, you can also Google STAR interview techniques. Don't forget to have questions planned ahead of time, you may even want to ask if you can get a tour of the simulator.

BTW, which plant is the interview for?

Offline a|F

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 08:46 »
I have a job interview with Exelon later this month. It is for a direct hire SRO position. This is my first job interview ever. Navy and KFC are my only employment history. I don't know what to wear, dont know what to expect at all. It is a 3 day process, with testing, interview, and more interview. Do I wear a suit everyday? Should I really have three suits for this? I am sure someone here has done this interview before.

Business casual is acceptable for the first two days, however, you may be in the minority, as most of your peers will probably wear a suit.  Wear a suit for the interview.  It's a small thing that shows you are taking this seriously.  One suit should suffice, but maybe bring a backup.

The previous posters were spot on with the behavioral based interview, STAR techniques, etc.

The only time you will be at the site is for the interview.  Arrive early (30 minutes minimum) to get through security and get lost.  Request to see the simulator but understand that it probably won't be possible.

Keywords and tricky phrases:  safety, teamwork, follow procedures, mentor and coaching, command and control, conservatism, etc.

Unless things have changed, you won't have to do the POSS, only the BMST.  Don't take my word for it though, reach out to the HR rep you've been in contact with.  There is sufficient information on this site to help you pass the BMST (and POSS if required).

Your supervisory assessment can be challenging, however, remember to focus on prioritizing and those keywords and tricky phrases I mentioned above.  Also, search through this site for interview information throughout the industry.  Most of the nuke plant interviews have the same basic style of question, regardless of position.

Thanks for swinging by here.  That alone should set you apart from your interviewing peers.  I spent hours upon hours on this site prior to my interview, and now I'm in a position to mentor you.  Good luck.   ;)

Offline Matticus

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 10:59 »
I have been a WCS, Training LPO, Plant LPO, RE Div LPO, RCT, and 10 years of PPWS (7 years of standing it, shore duty took away 3 years.)
I have looked at the behavioral based interview process, and I think that I get it, hopefully I can think quickly.
The HR rep called me last week and mentioned that I would be sent some study material, but I have not received anything as of yet. I called today and left a message mentioning that, so hopefully I get something soon.
As far as questions that I have for the Exelon Corp, I am not sure of what to ask about really. I am interested in their benefits packages, ie 401k and health care plans. Of course, I would love to see their simulators too.

Thank you for the help.

Offline Rerun

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 11:10 »
You don't have to think quickly. Take your time and give your best answer not the quick answer

Offline MMM

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 08:47 »
Here's how my interviews went with Exelon last year. I was interviewing at the Dresden plant over three days.

Day one was the POSS in the morning then BMST (only Exelon does this test) in the afternoon. The POSS is like the ASVAB, when you study for this, mostly work on a plan for how to answer the questions, especially for the two parts that are about 3 minutes each. The BMST is a little more "difficult," that is, more in depth math and science, but only basic stuff. When you get the review material, go through it and review the areas you had trouble with. Both tests were in their training center and I knew the results by 6 pm (the HR rep told us we'd have results by the end of the next day).

Day two was the FLS exam. Like I said it's a lot of writing. Essentially they put you in charge of a group of people and you have to manage the workload, there are a some times you will interact with the testing people (acting out certain roles), but mostly you have to write out everything (e.g. phone conversations, emails, face to face discussions, etc.). I think I had the results from this about two weeks later. Like I said before, as an LPO, it should be cake (at least with hindsight).

Day three was the on site interview. There was an HR rep, and three managers there with a specific set of questions they asked each interviewee. Like Rerun said, take your time. If you need more than 10-15 seconds to think, just say so, and they'll wait.

Offline Marlin

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Re: Upcoming interview with Exelon
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 08:54 »
You don't have to think quickly. Take your time and give your best answer not the quick answer

Good advice I would add fully answer the questions don't wander into areas not asked about.


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