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Author Topic: Exelon  (Read 45173 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #25 on: Mar 24, 2012, 10:48 »
You should check out this other post that asks the same question, maybe that guy got a better answer.,34558.0.html

What's that you say?  You mean THAT was you too, just an hour earlier.  Wow.  Do us a favor, and delete one of the posts, you really don't need to post the same question more than once.

Offline Jake1134

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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #26 on: Mar 25, 2012, 02:51 »
This is not an inappropriate question to ask, especially when there are numerous employers out there that I can pursue employment with and I want to compare benefits. This is also not an inappropriate section to post this question, neither is the other post I created. They are both in relevant sub-topics and having the same post in two different topic areas will ensure my question is exposed to the largest amount of people with possible information. 


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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #27 on: Mar 25, 2012, 03:01 »
This is not an inappropriate question to ask, especially when there are numerous employers out there that I can pursue employment with and I want to compare benefits. This is also not an inappropriate section to post this question, neither is the other post I created. They are both in relevant sub-topics and having the same post in two different topic areas will ensure my question is exposed to the largest amount of people with possible information. 

Are you seriously that stupid as to argue with the OWNER of this website as to what is appropriate or not?

OldHP is correct. Not the place to ask this stuff. In fact many employers forbid discussing items like this. ASK EXELON!

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #28 on: Mar 25, 2012, 07:52 »
Are you seriously that stupid as to argue with the OWNER of this website as to what is appropriate or not?

I'll just charge him double. (Crap, its FREE, doh!)

Offline Starkist

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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #29 on: Mar 26, 2012, 03:11 »
Jake there are federal laws in place considering your concerns. Do yourself a favor and ask Exelon HR or do a google search yourself.

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Re: Exelon Benefits for Deployed Military Reservists
« Reply #30 on: Mar 26, 2012, 09:42 »
I'll just charge him double. (Crap, its FREE, doh!)

In that case, charge him triple!
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Re: Exelon Takeover
« Reply #31 on: Aug 17, 2012, 12:15 »
Yes Exelon is here at Fort Calhoun helping us recover from our regulatory issues.  They are not managing us in the way that Entergy is running Cooper.  Our plant manager is now an Exelon employee as well as several people on the recovery team.  OPPD is still managing Fort Calhoun.  

IMO the writing was on the wall.
« Last Edit: Aug 17, 2012, 12:24 by ksheed12 »


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Hearing Back From Exelon
« Reply #32 on: Mar 19, 2013, 09:13 »
I applied for a position with Exelon and wondered how long it typically takes to hear back from them. Also do they email you letting you know that you were not chosen to test and interview, or are you left to wonder?

Offline ddickey

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #33 on: Mar 20, 2013, 07:18 »
They do not reply as I have applied for at least ten other positions there and have never received any rejection emails.

Offline Lip2303

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #34 on: Mar 20, 2013, 08:17 »
I applied for a position with Exelon and receive an interview about 6-8 weeks after the application. I did not receive an offer though until about 5 months after the interview.
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Re: Exelon
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2015, 02:54 »
I'm interviewing for a supervisor rad protect position and wondered if somebody could give me some insight into how they treat their first line supervisors?

Offline Rerun

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2015, 03:45 »
It's nuclear. Long hours and a slave to the plant. A well paid slave of course!

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2015, 03:46 »
Let's just say this: don't buy a house until you've been there a couple years.

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2015, 05:36 »
So it sounds like they work you like a dog for two years then fire you. Yea....hard work is ok but constantly being worried about having a job isn't.

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2015, 05:56 »
If you work hard and plan correctly everything could be ok, but if you don't want to get stuck working 60 hours a week on average for long periods of time you might want to look for something else.  Some supervisors are really good and are in a good position to get most of it done in 40.  Depends on the plant, how much help you have, your own work habits and a slew of other things.  The problem is just like in the Navy, things can turn on a dime and your quality of life can go right in the $hitter.  You really are at the mercy of management if you hunker down and count on things being good/stable in a supervisor position.  I mean everything is a crap shoot but the odds are stacked more against you IMHO.  I would only take a supervisor position assuming things are semi-temporary and planning on a roller coaster ride of BS.

Offline Rerun

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2015, 06:47 »
It can be a great job and Exelon isn't any different than any other nuclear utility. If you are supervision they own you. It isn't only during outages. Extra training, INPO preps. One of your people screws up. Forced outages, emergent issues  and that magical duty week that if anything pops up you get to stay

Offline a|F

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2015, 08:54 »
So it sounds like they work you like a dog for two years then fire you. Yea....hard work is ok but constantly being worried about having a job isn't.

Absolutely inaccurate.

To get fired from our site, you'd have to do something egregiously stupid, lie about it, and then you'd probably be shown the door.  Otherwise, the RP sups at Exelon xyz plant are all pretty happy individuals who have been in their current position for a while (and in their mid to late 40's).  Nothing like what you're hearing here.

You will get asked a lot of.  You may work some extra hours, but most of them will be compensated for - including the outage.  You will be very well compensated overall.  

You're always free to leave.

Lots of whining and negativity.  On this site and at work.  I don't get it.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 08:55 by a|F »

Offline Rerun

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2015, 09:29 »
No whining here . I supervised and managed for longer than you have been alive.
On the other hand I believe in telling it like it is and i am giving an entirely accurate assessment

Offline hamsamich

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2015, 02:08 »
I'm not saying don't buy a house because you will be fired.  I'm saying don't buy a house because you may want to quit.  They won't necessarily work you like a dog all the time.  It's just how things swing back and forth for supervisors.  They have to find a way to deal with all the BS and all the real work.  Techs just end up working more OT and getting paid T1/2 or DT, so it's not as bad for them.  Things might be good now, but it's just very possible the next RPM that comes in will mandate this and that and then another supervisor will quit and they won't hire another one for 8 more months and you are working 60s for the next year dealing with all the new RPMs demands and covering for the last guy that quit and dealing with the next supervisor that is wet behind the ears or is a slacker. Oh and an outage is coming up.  Like I said you've got to cater to somebody's whims and do the real work.  The work has to get done, and it is up to you to get it done.  Or maybe everything will be just peachy.  It is hard to get fired, but you may not love what is required of you.  Or you might love it, for now...

Offline Laundry Man

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2015, 09:55 »
I wasn't a supervisor but a Rad Engineer at an Exelon east plane.  I'll agree you do work at least 5 extra hours per week (free OT) specified in your contract.  Typically it was many more though.  I enjoyed it and would probably still be there if the cost of owning a home was prohibitive.

Offline Naysayer1203

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Re: Exelon
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2015, 06:33 »
I happen to be one of the RP FLS's that quit (took another position with a different company actually).  I will not say which plant but I will tell you that it all depends on who you work for.  Where I was, it was miserable.  Long hours, no appreciation, constant stress, and poor leadership from above.  Whenever the department achieved something positive, it was because of the upper leadership in the department.  Whenever there was an issue, whether big or small, it was the FLS's fault and upper leadership had nothing to do with it.  Now this is different at different sites, I checked, however I am informing you of what it was like at my site.  Hours were long, with no OT, except for outages which was paid at ST anyways.  I did the math one time and based on the amount of time I spent at the plant without getting compensated for it, I was making about $32/hr which was far less than my salary.  My family life was getting extremely strained (I had 3 small kids at home) and got out the first chance I could to save my personal life while I was still young and had the chance.  The pay was good though as well as the bonuses.  To each his own, I guess and like I said, I am only speaking for the plant I was at.


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