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Author Topic: What personal items are allowed on a sub?  (Read 4766 times)

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Offline xedeth

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What personal items are allowed on a sub?
« on: Apr 07, 2015, 08:22 »
I have been looking for the EXACT answer to this question for two weeks and haven't found it. What EXACTLY can I have on a sub, and what can I NOT have?

Offline spekkio

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Re: What personal items are allowed on a sub?
« Reply #1 on: Apr 07, 2015, 09:05 »
Get on the siprnet, go to comsublant or comsubpac's website, and search for COMSUBFORINST 5400.XX - Submarine Organization and Regulations Manual. They are different for each class of sub, but they will tell you what you are not allowed to have and I think that list is fairly universal. No one has that entire list memorized, so you're not going to get your answer over the internet. Everything not on that list is fair game, with the caveat that personal items must fit in your 2/3 of the rack pan. The Chiefs will find a home somewhere on the boat for stuff like dress uniforms and other official items when you deploy.

If you can't get on siprnet and want the entire list, wait until you get assigned to a ship and ask your Chief.

If you have any specific items in mind, feel free to ask away.

PS: It's been a few years, but when I left the rules against bringing cameras and wifi devices into a classified secret container (e.g. the entire submarine) were not enforced as long as you kept them in strictly in berthing spaces or crew's mess. I'm not sure if that is still the case.
« Last Edit: Apr 07, 2015, 09:11 by spekkio »

Offline shupack

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Re: What personal items are allowed on a sub?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2015, 03:36 »
yes, porn is allowed.


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