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Author Topic: nuclear engineering technology degree jobs and salary?  (Read 6527 times)

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I am active duty navy ex nuke MM.  After searching for degrees options for a few years I ended up enrolled in the B.S in economics degree at Penn state world campus.  I am starting to realize I am more mentally inclined to be in the engineering field.   My grades are good in econ I just feel I will enjoy engineering technology more after I retire from the navy. My question  is what are the job outlooks and salary for someone retiring from military 20 plus years  with the excelsior or Thomas Edison nuclear engineering technology degree B.S. 


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Re: nuclear engineering technology degree jobs and salary?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 28, 2015, 10:05 »
What do you wish to do?  Operation to be a Nuclear Reactor Operator?  Ex Elt to go Rad con?  Nuclear Engineer takes more schooling, it is a 4 year degree verses engineering technology and would pay the most if you could find a job.  If all you want to be is RCT or an operator, you need no additional schooling.

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Re: nuclear engineering technology degree jobs and salary?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 29, 2015, 12:17 »
  I am active duty navy ex nuke MM.   

The first question becomes why ex-nuke?  I know many explanations, most acceptable (some not if you want to get into nuclear after 20+ years in the Service of the USA as a non-nuke Sr. NCO or CO)!  (Since you are looking at or approaching 20+ I think your answer would be acceptable!  Thank you for your service)!  :)

The second question becomes how long before the 20 / 20+ is done?  The BS Economics could be just a starting point (depending on how long you've been in the program and how long you've got to put into outside education) toward a BSE and or MSE when you get out.  In most situations a BSET vs. a BSE is looked at like an AS+, i.e., not as a full engineer.  Depending on the prospective employer!

Job outlooks and salary depend on where you want to be in the country. In most cases you'll make more in the expensive States to live in and less in the rest of the country.  The job outlooks really go back to when you expect to retire! 

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