Wow! I asked for something that didn't cost $6,000. SCORM is $15,000 with a $3,000 annual fee. Perhaps I should have mentioned LESS THAN $6,000 (laughing). Actually, SCORM sounds like what I was looking for about 25 years ago - something that I could fit the authored program into.
I've been out of the loop too long. I'm probably not even asking the right questions. I need to develop CBT with a modest amount of interactivity built in - which PowerPoint won't do - so the Techs can go through the basic material but also have some interactivity to answer questions they may have while going through the basics. Perhaps I should sit down and story-board out what I want to do and then see which authoring program will let me do what I want . . . then I guess, go begging to get my bosses to buy it for me.