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Offline bruceworker

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Canadian Operator License vs American Operators
« on: Oct 03, 2015, 08:11 »
I'm curious if anyone has a idea on how the Canadian Operator designations compare to the American ones.
For instance, Canadian positions are:
SNO (supervisory nuclear operator)
ANO (Authorized Nuclear Operator) which holds a license from the CNSC, responsible for one unit
CRSS (control room shift supervisor) also licensed, responsible for 4 units plus common services
Shift Manager, licensed, responsible for whole plant on shift.

Offline Higgs

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Re: Canadian Operator License vs American Operators
« Reply #1 on: Oct 04, 2015, 07:27 »
Similar. In general, ours are split up into three groups:

NLO = non licensed operator. They are the people in the spaces to operate manual systems, take readings, post clearances, etc.

RO = reactor operator. Licensed by the NRC to operate the controls of a nuclear reactor. They're generally not in supervisory positions, but are the senior watch station to NLOs and do provide direction and some supervision to them.

SRO = senior reactor operator. Licensed by the NRC to operate the controls of a nuclear reactor AND supervise the operation of the controls of a nuclear reactor. They fill various supervisory positions usually called something like "unit supervisor" or "control room supervisor," usually responsible for one unit. With enough time and competence, they'll get promoted to Shift Manager, which is responsible for the entire plant.

There are a lot of unique situations in the US, so these are generalities. For example, at my station, we have two Westinghouse 3 loop PWRs, but one was pre TMI the other was post, so there is enough differences that we're not licensed on both units. Because of this, each unit has its own set of NLOs, ROs, and SROs.

Hope that helps!


PS On one of my treks to INPO, I had the fortunate opportunity to meet some folks from Bruce. It was interesting to learn the differences and see that we all face similar challenges.
« Last Edit: Oct 04, 2015, 07:30 by Higgs »
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