do the math,...
in step with current postulations, hypothesis and theories:
non-photosynthesizing bacteria appeared on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago,...
free oxygen was not abundant or perhaps even present on Earth before 2.5 billion years ago,...
uranium concentrations 3.5 billion years ago were,....well you do the math,...they were huge by the current environment,...
assimilating uranium is not a new trick which has to be evolved for bacteria, it's an ancient process locked in the genes needing an environmental trigger to bring it back into dominance,..
the trigger would be the uranium concentrations in the legacy uranium sites,...
it took less than 7 decades for those genes to turn back on and for the bacteria to begin assimilating uranium once again,...
seven decades in geological time ?!?!?!? aka "blink",....
the fiscally responsible answer is not to waste billions of dollars on a half dozen or so researchers trying to propagate strains of bacteria which can assimilate an ever decaying inventory of uranium,....
the fiscally responsible answer is to use the already developed and satisfactory technology to collect, confine and manage the scattered yet ever decaying uranium inventory,...
that way the billions are spent on thousands of real people paying mortgages, health care providers and purchasing food,...
as opposed to half a dozen researchers collecting grants leading to nowhere the earth and it's bacteria have not been before,...
sorta like anti-Star Trek,...
oh snap,...where's my PhD in deductive reasoning,...?