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Author Topic: After tour of duty - Go for Masters Degree or a Job?  (Read 6522 times)

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Franklin Pierce

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I'm just curious for opinions now since this is all 5 years into the future so things will clearly change by then but just gauging the general mood of things.

With the Post 9/11 bill, as all of you know, going for a Masters degree wouldn't be terribly difficult. I do have debts I am helping my family with which will not be paid by then so I'll most likely need to get a side job to supplement the incoming BAH. My undergraduate degree is a BS in Electrical Engineering and if I were to get a masters I am not sure what field I'd be in specifically but as of right now I'd think it would be a communications field (Data transmission and receiving).

My questions a subtle not so subtle probe into how much money people typically make in their first job outside of the Navy Nuke (Going through NUPOC) program, just so I can  have some sort of long term idea of what I'd like to do once I get out.
« Last Edit: Jul 20, 2015, 10:04 by Franklin Pierce »

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: After tour of duty - Go for Masters Degree or a Job?
« Reply #1 on: Jul 20, 2015, 10:53 »
My undergraduate degree is a BS in Electrical Engineering and if I were to get a masters I am not sure what field I'd be in specifically but as of right now I'd think it would be a communications field (Data transmission and receiving).
 I can  have some sort of long term idea of what I'd like to do once I get out.

Go power systems. I know several EE's that used to be low voltage electricians (comms), that now make more money planting transmission towers like asparagus. [2cents]

Franklin Pierce

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Re: After tour of duty - Go for Masters Degree or a Job?
« Reply #2 on: Jul 20, 2015, 11:52 »
Go power systems. I know several EE's that used to be low voltage electricians (comms), that now make more money planting transmission towers like asparagus. [2cents]

My friends had told me the same thing but I never really pursued it, I'll have to learn some power systems with my free time then. No harm in it after all.

Are you aware if Power school/Prototype school help in any way with Masters? In terms of credits or just the knowledge gained from it?


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