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Offline 814ck83rry

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College Referral
« on: Aug 19, 2015, 10:51 »

I was a nuke from 2010 - 2012 and was medically discharged.  I am now looking at going to college (MIT), but to get in, I need referrals from instructors, that would mention things like my work ethic, discipline and character.  I remember some of my instructors who said that they would do such a thing for me, but I'm no longer at NNPTC, so I can't talk to them in person.

My question is: Is there a way that I can get in touch with the instructing staff at "A" school or power school, and if so, how?


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Re: College Referral
« Reply #1 on: Aug 19, 2015, 11:39 »
I went to the MIT website and they list requirements to get in: Academics

A strong academic foundation in high school both improves your odds of getting into MIT and will help you make the most of the Institute when you're here. We recommend (please note that these are not "requirements")  that your high school years include the following:
• One year of high school physics
• One year of high school chemistry
• One year of high school biology
• Math, through calculus
• Two years of a foreign language
• Four years of English
• Two years of history and/or social sciences
 It seems it takes good grades and coursework to  get in.  I would think you could write a letter to the NNPTC and ask for a copy of your courses (Transcripts) or to an instructor your remembered who could pass you request to your other instructors.  It was all at the MIT website.

Offline Imaginos

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Re: College Referral
« Reply #2 on: Aug 20, 2015, 04:18 »
My question is: Is there a way that I can get in touch with the instructing staff at "A" school or power school, and if so, how?

I went to the MIT website and they list requirements to get in: Academics

A strong academic foundation in high school both improves your odds of getting into MIT and will help you make the most of the Institute when you're here. We recommend (please note that these are not "requirements")  that your high school years include the following:
• One year of high school physics
• One year of high school chemistry
• One year of high school biology
• Math, through calculus
• Two years of a foreign language
• Four years of English
• Two years of history and/or social sciences
 It seems it takes good grades and coursework to  get in. I would think you could write a letter to the NNPTC and ask for a copy of your courses (Transcripts) or to an instructor your remembered who could pass you request to your other instructors.  It was all at the MIT website.

The OP was in the Navy for two years and is knocking on MIT's door; one might imagine that "writing a letter" has already occurred to him/her. None of this actually answers what was asked. Reading comprehension fail. Next.  :)
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Offline GLW

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Re: College Referral
« Reply #3 on: Aug 20, 2015, 10:11 »
The OP was in the Navy for two years and is knocking on MIT's door; one might imagine that "writing a letter" has already occurred to him/her. None of this actually answers what was asked. Reading comprehension fail. Next.  :)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: College Referral
« Reply #4 on: Aug 20, 2015, 08:41 »
My question is: Is there a way that I can get in touch with the instructing staff at "A" school or power school, and if so, how?

3 years later....I am sure they have moved on, experienced many other stellar sailors, etc. Time for a Plan B.

Offline 814ck83rry

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Re: College Referral
« Reply #5 on: Aug 31, 2015, 02:58 »
So it turns out I was able to answer my own question.  I'll post it here for anyone else who is interested.

In case you need to get in touch with some of the staff there, even if they are no longer there, I recommend calling the quarterdeck at the school and speaking with the MAA.

~ At this point, tell him/her what you are needing (referrals to college) and they will transfer you to a person that is in charge of records

*NOTE* when you speak with this person, it is important to inform him/her about the position the instructor held (rank/rate) and the last name of the instructor.  Without this, there is nothing they can do.

By doing this, I was able to not only find some of my instructors, but also my LT!

*NOTE* This does not work for getting in touch with students at the command.  Please follow all instructed security protocols


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