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Author Topic: Advice on Career Shift  (Read 10803 times)

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Offline Mr.U

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Advice on Career Shift
« on: Sep 21, 2015, 05:43 »
I have been in the nuclear industry for over fifteen years, I have worked at seven sites and have done my share of road time, however I'm getting older and have five kids. My career has pretty much been setting up, running, and maintaining gamma spectroscopy systems and various other pieces of equipment in counting laboratories. I have B.S. In physics and feel I am very knowledgeable in the area. My feedback from others in the same field seems to positive and I get the perception I am fairly respected in the business.

My math and science kills are strong and have very strong hardware and electronics skills. My programming skill are good and I have started developing applications related to my field and have also started building web applications.  I am trying to move away from so much site work and start building my own software applications that I could market and sell. Any Advice on this would be great. I would like to serve as a lab consultant and also develop software applications. The goal here would be to move away from so much site work and function from a home or local office.

I use modern programming tools and have the ability produce publisher quality graphics, interfaces, and dashboards. At this point I have developed various report extractors that parse and strip html, .pdf, and .txt file format lab reports and condense the data put them in a form that I can export to spreadsheets. I am have QC package that work on the uses interactive java script charting and is really ahead of anything else out there. I use a statistical programming language that is power packed with thousands of libraries that I can use to build anything from an analysis or calculation perspective.

My question is this. What would be some useful nuclear applications and how contact people interested in them? I am up for partnering with people or companies on application development?


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Re: Advice on Career Shift
« Reply #1 on: Sep 22, 2015, 01:57 »
What you have posted almost sounds like a resume.  Even the best resumes must reach the eyes of someone in need of services.  You must seek out such people as posting here may do little to reach decision makers.  It is comparable as me posting my resume about my writing skills when I have not been commercially published hoping someone will see it and say, "I am going to hire that man!"  In any case now is a bad time to do career changes if you don't need to.


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